Lovely Sunday
In the night I had dinner with the third girl, she was finally found. I had awesome food. I actually ordered paneer bhurji, but I ate mostly of my friends chicken. The gravy was so good. I had to get a doggybag with all the leftovers. I forgot the best part that happend last night. My roomie came by my house, finally after like weeks, and she helped me to drape my saree. It took forever, and its quite complicated until you learn it properly, but it looked amazing. I have one more saree in my house, I need to give it to the tailor and get it ready to wear. It is pink. With lots of glitter. It is really nice. I was walking around in the house with my saree for some time. Not only do you have to learn how to drape it, you need to learn how to walk in a saree as well. It is not a piece of cake, my saree almost fell of a few times!
Saturday party
I went to the awesomest party in Bangalore last night. Everything was just perfect. I went with good people, we went in a nice car (how can I ever travel in something else than Audi and Mercedes now?), I had a lovely drink, I met lots of fun people, I danced a lot, and the DJ was the best till date. His name is Tuhin Mehta, he played the best music and I danced so much, I have never danced that much before. And he was really, really cute also!
I tried to go for an afterparty afterwards, but we got home pretty late anyway, since it was a bit far away, so I just crashed in my bed. 6 missed calls and 5 texts later, I woke up at 9am. Today I am having a girls day and night today, sitting home, drinking a glass of rosé wine, talking, gossiping, eating icecream etc. I might go out to see if I can find a scooter also. Its really hard work trying to find one. But luckily my colleague is trying even harder than me...
People, come out and party!
My first Thanksgiving
Okay, I am sorry again. I havent written for a few days, the reason being lazyness I believe.
I had my first Thanksgiving dinner Thursday night. My american roommate had been cooking for three days, for around 30 people. When I came home from office that Thursday, the house was full of people and food. We had turkey, we had pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, stuffing, sweetcorn pie with marshmallows on top, chocolate pie, peach pie, and lots and lots of MnM´s. I had MnM´s with peanutbutter, peanuts, coconut, plain ones, crunch ones, and some other that I forgot. I ate so much food, it was all so tasty. I really liked the chocolate pie and the peach pie.
Sweetcorn pie with marshmallows
Bluberrypie, Chocolatepie, Cake, Pumkinpie and peachpie
After the food I slept off. My colleague has gone home to get married so he has left me with all the responsibility. I am supposed to run my department from now on. I am not used to all this responsibility and to be the boss, it is all new to me, so it is making me a little tired. I always try to leave office on time, at 6pm, but all the job seems to be coming at that time. Its okay, its actually quite fun now. The job is different from what it has been for the last 3 months.
I miss Wednesdays

I have a new roomie
I was actually supposed to buy my scooty yesterday, my friend had found one for me. After work we went to the bikeshop, but to my dissapointment the shop was closed. I got so sad, so I decided to buy a TV instead. It made me a little happy. But since it is a second hand one, they needed to fix it up, and most important, clean it for me. When I came home I told my roommate that I bought one. He told me that we already have a TV connection, eventhough we dont have a TV, so I dont have to bother about calling these TV connection people and wait for like 5 years, I will have the connection right away.
After Juliya came to my place yesterday we went out for dinner. I wanted to go to mine and Sams favourite restaurant, Chandni Chowk, but since it was Sundayevening, it was fully booked. We went to another Punjabi restaurant and had lovely food. Some paneer tikka, and then finely shredded chicken in a lovely gravy with butter naan. In the middle of the night we got some company and we were sitting outside on my terrace. I was sitting with my blanket around me, Bangalore is cold these days, and it was so nice to have company and just enjoy life. ♥
Have I become nice?
I am usually pretty mean and rude in India. I think that is one big reason I really like it here. I get out a lot of my frustration. But the other day I was really surprised how nice I actually was. I was out doing some shopping, I went to Commercial street, and when it was time for me to go home I decided to take an auto. Outside these shoppingmalls, and other popular places, it is hard to get an auto for a good price. I was ready to bargain hard.
Obviously they started with a very high price which I did not accept. Then they started lower the price a little too much and I understood that they wanted to take me to some other shops, so they could get some benefits. I said, please I am tired, just take me home. But they were insisting in taking me to a few shops. After a few more minutes they said "Okay madam, we will take you to Koramangala (my area) for free, if you stop in two shops;" When I heard the word free, I opened my ears. I had spent so much money in shopping, so getting home for free would be really nice. I told them that I am not going to buy anything, so how would it benefit them. They told me that if I buy something they will get one uniform for free, if I dont buy anything they will get 100rs worth of fuel. I told them that I am tired, I know what kind of shops they will take me to and I am not going to buy anything. So we made a deal, they were okay with me not buying anything, I would just have a look, they would get fuelmoney and I would get a ride back home for free. It was a win-win situation. I was even so nice that I went in to a third shop, so the guy got 300rs worth of fuel thanks to me. I felt like a very nice person after that..
A swedish night
I had a very nice evening last night. I met up my very, very sweet friend Juliya along with some other friends, and we had a swedish evening. I havent been surronded by so many swedish people in a very long time now. It was actually little weird speaking so much of Swedish. We all went to a place called Beer club. And like you can guess, they served a lot of beer there. They actually make their own. But since I dont like it the place was not for me. Three of us then went to Skyyebar instead, the one in UB city, one of my favourite places in Bangalore. We drank, talked and danced the night away. It was a really nice evening!
The only bad thing about hanging out with foreigners is that no one has their own car. So last night I had to go home in an auto. After like 20 minutes or so I got the price I wanted. I think I get such a good price either because I am a lot of fun for the drivers or because I am bugging them to give me a good price so they give up. I am guessing the first option is more correct. When I went to Beer club (very close to UB city) it cost me 80rs, by the meter, and when I went back home from UB city in the middle of the night (23.30) it cost me 100rs. So I think I got a very good price, considering the startingprice was 400rs!
My lovely Juliya is going home for Christmas by the way. I have already told her to get me Grillchips. And I just realized that Juliti is coming in December, I think I have to tell her as well to bring Grillchips for me.. And maybe some Lösgodis also.
I am back in the virtual world
Someone forgot to pay the internet bill at home. And then everyone was to busy to go and pay it. So we didnt have internet at home for almost one week I think. And I have been so busy, working and meeting many of my friends on my free time. I am enjoying my life to the fullest.
I saw a t-shirt the other day when I was out shopping. It said, I love being me. And that is exactly how I feel. I am so happy, and I love my life ♥
It is not very often that I crave Swedish candy (luckily) but today is one of those days. I want all of my favourites today, Daim, Brejk, Grillchips, Krossad Chockladglass, Lösgodis, MIKROKOLA! Of course I have none of these, so instead, Im sitting in my bed, listening to awesome music and eating Djungelvrål and Marabou mjölkchoklad. But today I really miss mikrokola. Oh, how I wish I was in Sweden where I can make it perfectly. I should try to make it here once, maybe I can make it well.. Lets see, I have to go home to roomie for that, but I am sure she will allow me..
Mmm, look at these babies ♥
Tonight I am going out to a place called ICE-bar, it is in Taj hotel on MG Road. That place is usually good, and the best part is that dancing is allowed there so people will be very happy. I will not dance though, I dont like it that much.. Have a great night people!
Blog working again
What is there to do when the blog is not working? I have been trying and trying but havent been able to open it. Now it seems like the problem is solved. Atleast for now.
I went out for dinner last night. I cant belive that I did that, I mean, it was Wednesday. And Wednesday always means Loveshack for me. Well, it wasnt that bad, after the dinner I stopped by Loveshack, around 10.45 I guess. It was very late, the party was about to end, but I met lots of people during that short time so I had a lot of fun. After Loveshack I went for an afterparty. We went to some hotel where there was a private birthdayparty. They had the biggest cake I have ever seen! I am sure it must have weighed 10kg, minimum. So I was happy, lots of cake and after all the great music they served food. The party ended late, around 2.30 am. I had an awesome night, and if it was possible I would want to re-visit it again. I am sure not everyone agrees with me! There were some drama in the party, I guess related to me. But of course it wasnt my fault. Nothing is never my fault here..
Why do I love to be in the center of attention? I am getting myself in to trouble.. Nothing bad or anything, but drama will happen around me eventually. But I like the drama as well.. Sometimes I see my life as a soap opera. I wonder how everything can happen to me, but obviously it will.. Thats what happens when you love the attention and are a drama queen!
I am tired
I just realised that I have been out of the house for more than 12 hours today. And I still need to go out and do more things, more work. No wonder I am tired after doing so much things in one day! I do sleep a lot these days.. Anyway, here are some photos from Loveshack, where else. Thats the only place I go to almost.
Dont stop the party
The party went on till late last night, just as I suspected. We were still up when my alarm went off at 6 am in the morning. I had put an alarm just in case we all fell asleep because me and another friend of mine needed to get home early.
The party started at my colleagues fake birthday party, it was also his niece´s 1 year birthday party so a few of us from office went there to celebrate both of them. We had some cake, and food and I enjoyed watching my friends dancing. Luckily no one forced me to dance this time! I could sit and enjoy my dinner at peace. When the party stopped, me and 2 friends went back home. We were sitting three people on a scooter, Oh it was so much fun! I really need to buy a scooter, I just love it. I didnt drive it though. I wanted to, but my friends said they didnt want to die yet, mean I know! So we were sitting in my colleaguse house, listening to some music and talking. Around 1 am one of my friends called me and came to pick me up. I went to their house and we again sat and talked and listened to some music. I had a very nice time, and I think I fell asleep a little after 7 am in the morning. I woke up around 9 and decided it was time for me to go home.
Now there was supposed to be some job for me, but it seemes like it has been postponed. I hope it will happen later today, otherwise I dont know when I will have the time for doing it...
Sunday parties
Tomorrow I have taken off. Tonight I am off for a few parties first it is my colleaguse fake birthdayparty. Apparently he has a birthday every 6 months or so, but its okay, I have a birthday every Wednesday ;) After that Im going to a friends place for a second party, it will be a late night, I already know that, but it is okay because I have sleept so much this whole week. And tomorrow I guess will be an early morning and busy day, but I will tell you all later what my plans are. A few people know, and I am very excited! So all the best to myself, and I hope I will have fun..
Halloween in Loveshack last Sunday
Im in love. I am always in love, I know
I underestimated the tailor today. He did an amazing job, the blouse fits me perfectly and it is so nice. I told them to make it very deep in the back, first they said it couldnt be done becuse there is some design in the back, but I told them it was okay for me to cut through it. So they did what I said. They didnt teach me how to drape it in the shop, I got little disapointed because I was counting on them.. I actually left the store very angry, surprise surprise! Well, when I got home i put on the blouse, I saw that the fit was perfect, and then I draped the saree myself, obviously not how it was supposed to be done, but I just wanted to see myself in a full saree. And wow! I looked amazing. Indian women should wear saree more often because it looks really, really nice If you have a nice fabric and drape it the way I like it, it is really gorgeaous, and very sexy! I want to have it tonight, and every night after this, but I first have to buy the underskirt, and then I need to learn how to drape it!
I was hanging with my sweet babysis today, she came in to my room and I showed her my saree, she really liked it and wanted me to wear it for her sisters birthday, whenever that is! I told her I dont know how to drape it, but her mom would show me, she said.. After that, we played some office again, she really likes going to office, then she wanted to put on some makeup and dance. I couldnt say no!
Sorry for looking ugly, I was in the process of getting ready!
After this her mother came and told her they needed to leave. Obviously she didnt want to. Her mother told me, with bodylanguage, that I should hit her so she would listen. I said no, and told her nicely to go with her mom. She then jumped in to my arms, gave me a biiiiig hug and a kiss, and then she left. Do I need to tell you that I love her? ♥
I am in love
Michael Kors Watch in Rose Gold ♥
I hate you India
Me and India had a fight. Not really a fight, it was more like she tested me. Maybe she wanted to see if I can still handle all the bad things about her. Because in a long time, nothing bad has happend to me. She really let me down yesterday. I am so happy here, living like a queen, getting so much love and attention, I think she needed to take me down to earth for a while. Make me understand that even if I get many benefits here, it is also a downside being a white girl. In Bangalore it is not so bad compared to other cities, but bad things still happen once in a while.
I was wearing a dress yesterday when I went for a shoppingmall. Not a short dress, it went almost to my knees. I was also wearing heels (since I go for so few parties these days and I have to wear officeclothes in office, I like dressing up when Im free. And maybe, but only maybe, I like the attention I get too). I went in to Landmark which is one of the bookstores we have here.. I was reading a magazine, and I was in my own little beautiful world.. The guy next to me was kind of sitting on the floor, reading the magazines from the lower shelves. Nothing strange about that.
When I was leaving, I looked at him, I dont now how it happend, where I got the courage from but I stepped on his phone. He looked at me, with very scared eyes. I told him to give me his phone. He didnt say anything. I told him again, to give me his phone or I would tell the guard. He actually gave me the phone, I took it and removed the video he had made of me. That smart asshole was sitting on the floor next to me with his phone in his hand for a reason! He wanted to see what I had under my dress.
I dont know how I noticed what he was doing, or how I dared to do such a thing. I would have totally embaressed myself if he wasnt recording me. Normally I would have just left without saying a word or doing anything about it.
Green, Purple, White
For the first time in so long, I cooked. I made Paneer butter masala and it was kind of awesome. I had to go to the closest restaurant though, to buy Butter Garlic Naan since I dont know how to make it myself.. I have become so lazy these days. I never cook for myself since I eat home made food from my personal chef Sateesh in office everyday. But those days when I am not working, or those few meals I do need to eat at home, Im thinking of getting a cook. My x-roomies cook is very good, should I hire him? If he comes like 2 or 3 times a week it should be enough food for me for one week.. His paneer bhurji is just amazing, and the butter chicken he made once was out of this world. Okay, I have to call x-roomie now and tell her to send him to my house.. Why should I not have a cook if I can afford it? I get awesome food and I give someone a job also, so it is a win-win situation..
Plans for Christmas
I dont know what to do. Should I go to Mumbai in December on 23rd night, stay till 29th and then leave for Goa for a few more days? Or should I go to Goa on 23rd night, Mumbai on 27th morning and then back to Goa on 29th? I was talking to my friends about it yesterday, and it seems like the Goatrip would be sponsored, so if I go to Goa on 23rd or whatever date it might be, it would be cheaper for me... And also my friend has a house and car there, so no need to spend any money at all on those things.. But then I will miss out on some good Mumbai time! But Goa is a better place than Mumbai, specially during Christmas and New years.. Well, I have to think about it for a few days...
My new love
I usually never have any favourite singers. I only like different songs. But now I have found a singer that I really like, Adele. All her songs are amazing. All of them go on repeat in my room, just listen to this one for example
When I was at Loveshack last Sunday and I was about to leave with my friends, some guys started talking to me. Since we were all foreigners we had something in common already. They asked me where I was from, when I told them Sweden they got all excited and said they were from Denmark. Wow, neighbours.. They got so happy so they started talking Danish to me. I didnt understand a word they were saying so I told them its better if we could speak in English.. Hehe, they got little disapointed they couldnt speak their language with me. Well, I am sorry but Danish is very difficult language to understand. I even have a hard time understanding Norweigan sometimes!
Yesterday I went to Loveshack. Havent been there for many Wednesdays now, so the crowd was totally new. I hardly new anyone.. I went with some of my friends so I still had a good time. But the best part was the dinner afterwards. We went to Park Hotel, their restaurant was open till late. I had plans on eating fish, but when I saw the menu I changed my mind. Thai paneng curry with beef tenderloin! I was in heaven. Oh, the food was amazing, I want to go there everyday! It might have been little disrespectful of me, since I was sitting with two hindus, whom had never even tasted beef in their life, but they seemed okay with me eating it anyway. And I must say, at that point I wouldnt have bothered so much anyway. I really needed that meat! I ate so much that I was to full to have the cheesecake I wanted. Me, skipping dessert? That never happens...
I ♥ my life

Honesty VS being polite
Is there such thing as being too honest?
I must say that most of the indians are very honest. Countless of times I have heard that I dont look good, I am too white, Im black under my eyes etc. If I had some fat on my body I would sure hear that I am too fat, or that I have gained weight. When do you ever hear these things in Sweden? If you ask someone, you never look fat, and yes that dress suits you, and no you dont look ugly today. Why do we want to be polite? Isnt it better to tell the truth? If that pimple you have on your nose is very visible, why dont you just say that, instead of trying to make your friend feel good by saying that you can hardly see it. Honesty or making someone feel good? Which one is better?
Do I like this honesty? Yes, I think I do. Because then when you hear something nice about yourself you can be damn sure that people really mean it!
I am addicted

By the way, I have a new favourite compliment. I have now heard that I have a million dollar smile. How sweet is that compliment?