A different day
This was a weird day. I was out shopping some stuff to the new house, like blanket and laundrybag etc. It was raining so I brought my umbrella that I bought in New York back in 2008. While walking around I got 2 compliments for it. When I got back home, I just left it outside because it was so wet, thought I would just leave it there for few minutes. I forgot about the umbrella and few hours later, when I needed to go out again, it was gone! Oh, I cant believe someone stole my umbrella!
Its a one of a kind umbrella, so if I see it I know it will be mine! And this is not all! I have been unpacking my bags today, my room is a total mess and I am still far from done. But I have gone through all my belongings and I see that candy is missing! One tablettask - Svarta katten and two packs of milkduds! Seriously, who is stealing all my stuff? My friend told me I must have hid it somewhere, but I have only had my two bags! Ah, well atleast I have my Grillchips, thats most important.

Sweet lassi and onions marinated in what tastes like vinegar. I looooove those onions!
Postat av: mamma
Hej Sara
Sitter o läsa om dina äventyr.
Det verkar som du har det bra ändå o äntligen fått eget boende, som du tycker är bra.
Du var väldigt fin på bröllopet.
Här är allt bra.Imorgon Kommer Isabella, Josephine o Oskar det blir roligt.
Ha det så gott, kram, kram