Leaving Jamshedpur
When it was time for me to leave Jamshedpur, I asked the hotel owner how to get to the station. He said either I could take an auto or he could drop me. Since I don’t like train stations in India, I never know where to go and where my train will be, I asked if who ever dropped me could help me find my train.
No problem, the owner called the sweetest auto driver who didn’t speak a word of English, but he really tried and he was very nice to me. And as we were driving, all of a sudden I feel a hard push! An auto behind us had been hit by a big car, Scorpio, and pushed into our auto. Their auto was packed with 6-7 people, and as soon as they saw that I was sitting in the auto, they all came running out to see if I was okay! Which I was, it was not a serious crash. The auto that hit us had more damages.
After just a few minutes we were on our way again, there were no insurance talk between the drivers, it was just some small talk, like whose fault it was. The driver kept his word, he parked his vehicle outside the station, took my bag and followed me inside the station, found out which track, and took me there! I gave him some extra money and he got so happy..