Why do I love India?
One of the most usual questions I get these days is "Why do you like India so much?" And I always have a hard time answering that question. It is complex and there are several different reasons. But today I have a good story for the question and it goes like this;
I was going to a huge mall, far far away to meet a friend for lunch. After chasing a few autos, someone finally agreed on taking me there. Traffic was mad, and after 30 minutes we had only come 3 kms. Anyway, after half the way the auto started shaking a little and I knew something was up. The autodriver stopped, went to the back, came back and said "sorry madam, no gas. Wait I will go and get gas". After a few minutes he came back and said that he will get me another auto. So I stepped out, paid him and together we stood next to the highway, trying to get another driver.
An older man on a scooter stopped and said "you are going to Orion mall, right? If your conscience says yes, then you can come with me, I am going that direction". I looked at the man and I knew it would be safe. So I hopped on the back of his scooter and off we went!
When we reached I thanked sweet Mr. Chandrashekar. He gave me his businesscard and told me if I ever needed help I could call him!

Mr. Chandrashekar and me