Yesterday I was all sad and stuff, and I didnt have anything to do really, so obviously I got more sad. Then a friend of mine asked if we should meet, and I said yes. He said he would pick me up after work, so I started to get ready. When I got outside, I got a minor shock. He came on a Vespa! I just started laughing, but he told me to get on and we drove off. I must confess I was little scared. I am okay when Indians drive, because I know that they know how traffic works here, but sitting behind this foreigner (sorry) made me little scared. But we reached home safely, and it was actually a lot of fun. I liked it...
Now I want to have my own Vespa, but I dont think I can afford buying one myself. And I dont know if I am brave enough to actually drive it myself in this mad, mad traffic! It would actually save me a lot of time in travels, so I think I have to think about this..
Life must go on
I dont feel like going to office today... Everything will be different. And if I hear someone speaking in Hindi I will kill myself! And I know that is going to happen. I have come to this stage once before, when I really started to hate the language here. It is not good at all, because I get so angry from inside and sometimes I take that anger out on innocent people. I just get so frustrated when I dont understand anything! I think it is high time for me to learn Hindi, but I just dont have the time for it. I wish I could take some Hindiclasses, but like I said, there is no time..
I just have to try to overcome my anger, and stop getting angry with people. It is their right to speak Hindi. I should be grateful to people who speaks English to me. English is not the national language here. I cant take it for granted that everyone should speak English with me. But since it is the only way for me to communicate here, it is frustrating when I dont understand or they dont understand.
Where to buy...?
In India everything is so different from home. You have to learn a lot of new things when you come here, things that people take for granted. We have the basic things like, learning when the stores closes, when the buses goes, which transportations are there.. Then we have some bigger things like how to cross the street (yes, you do have to learn it, I see it as an art. It is an art to cross the streets in India), you have to understand the culture, you have to learn how people function here, you have to learn where to buy what.
When I go an buy my food items I generally go to the big food stores. But you dont always find everything there, and it is also not always the best. Sometimes you go to some tiny, tiny shop, because they are better, and back home you would never do that. It is super costly. And the best place to buy your fruit and veggies is not in a store, it is here;
You buy your fruit and veggies from the streets, maybe from a bicycle.. It is better than in the stores, and most of the times it is also cheaper. You (I) just have to know the prices before so they dont trick you (me).
It sometimes happens that I get mysterious phonecalls, and sometimes I also get texts from random people whom I dont know. Even today I got a text from a random number saying "Hello sexy, how are you? My name is this and I met you in this and this place" When I asked this guy how he got my number he said "a friend got it for me and I am crazy for you" These things are little scary, when a person just has your number and then you have no idea who this person is.. I really want to know if one of my friends has given my number to someone, I really hope they havent!
Before this incident it was a while ago since these things happend. I almost forgot how it was to have someone unknown after you.. But only almost!
The girls should have reached home soon. I hope they have/had a good flight.. And I also hope they did have a good time while they were here in India. Tomorrow I will be back in office, all alone again. But I will try to hang in there, I will see for how long it is possible to do this. I dont mind working there and the work, its just that now that I know that swedes are supposed to be there, I dont want to be alone.. And swedes were there, so I know how it is supposed to be!
Well okay then, Juliya, Emma, have a great time back home. I hope I will meet you soon again, all my love to both of you ♥
I dont know what to do today. Everyone is working, only I am off.. I have some boring things to do, like buy food and do laundry but it will only take me a short time to do that. What should I do the rest of the day?
The puppies are still in our house, and they grow so fast. I havent seen them for a few days and I hardly recognised them today.. My favourite one is so big, and the tiny has got a big belly now and I am not scared of touching her anymore.. Before I thought maybe she would break!
Last night
I dont know what I meant about "the real thruth" last night. The real truth always comes out when drunk, why wait for the next day.. So I dont know what I wanted to say about last night actually.. Never mind, Loveshack was okay last night. Nothing very special, I think mostly because of my mood. And I didnt mingle as much as I usually do, I also felt ignored because of some people (one) not approaching me properly.
Most pictures were bad from last night, but atleast I got a few...
Trying to speak-a italian-a with hands. But I am too happy, there is no anger, no passion!
I am trying to push people away. Its so crowded in this place!
Me and my best Italian friend in India
Another, slightly better, attempt to speak in Italian. Haha, I love how they speak with their hands
Gianluca and Bonny
I woke up, and for 10 seconds I was happy. Until I realised what happened last night. Then I started to cry. I couldnt help it. I had two texts on my phone in the morning "You are a sweetheart, I want to hug you" "Dont feel sad and left alone, we are there for any kind of support" and then I felt even more sad for myself. I know that people are there for me, but I just feel so lonely. You cant imagine how much having swedish people around you means. I never had it before. I was so happy when I got to know Elin, and then I got so happy when Juliya and Emma came, I had three swedish girls. But now they are all leaving! Juliya is already on her flight.
But I was fine before. Before I knew. I had my friends, and my friends are very sweet. I was happy and I was satisfied. But when I found out swedish people were coming, I got even more happy, if that was even possible. So I am sure you can imagine the emptyness I feel when they are all gone.
I am happy that Juliya and Emma came. Even if we met just for such a short period I will always remember them♥
Done for the day
I am feeling slightly better now. It is nice to have good people around when you are feeling sad. It helps a lot.. Thanks Roushan and Sam for being such a cuties ♥
My shift is over, I will go downstairs and change and then leave for a party.. Its party with guests so I need to go and make them happy and show them a good time..
Sad day
Its funny how your life can change so quickly. In one moment you are one of the happiest on this planet in the other your just lying in bed crying. Yesterday I was so happy, work has started to be more fun, since I know more and there is more to do, my life was awesome, I had awesome friends and I had swedish girls around me. Today when I came to office everything changed.
I found out that Emma and Juliya had decided to leave the company, and they are leaving tomorrow morning. They stayed for one week and worked for one day. I was so happy to have them around me, and I loved the fact that I could speak swedish in office and not care about the others speaking in Hindi. But on Friday when Im back, everything will be different. Again I will feel left out since everyone mostly speaks their own languages. And I dont even blame them, I am sure I would do the same as well. It is so easy to forget that someone doesnt understand. And you cant imagine how that person feels..
Now I am sitting like a stupid, crying in bed, all alone! I will surely miss Juliya and Emma, eventhough I never got the chance to know them properly.. ♥
I have many new readers
Since I started writing in English so many more people have started to read it. And I have got so much positive response from different people, its so much fun. Its much more fun to write now when I know a lot of people is reading and that they do enjoy it. Not that I have that many interesting stories to tell here, but people seems to like reading it anyway.. It makes me happy.
So thanks to everyone thats making me so happy by reading my blog ♥
When I came to office today I got a small chock. HR came up to me and asked me if we could talk. I said of course we can. And then she asked me why the girls decided to leave. I didnt even know they were leaving before HR told me. So I went up to their room, with two of my colleaguse and we sat and talked for some time. Since they are getting very less money from the company they have decided to leave tonight. If the owners decide to give them more money, then only they will stay. But the owners are very cheap so I doubt that will ever happen...
I dont know what to do now. I have been waiting for so long for the girls to come, and now they are just leaving. I dont know if I should stay or go... I want to be in India, but if I am not working here, how will I get the money? I dont know any good way to earn money from here.. It is very hard to get a job here...
I will take some days to think about this, its not a very easy decision. And I do love my precious India ♥
So any suggestions for how I can stay here are mostly welcome
Party tonight again...
So like I have already said, last night was messed up. Going out with guests was very weird. But they were very nice and friendly so it was all good. They bought us Tequila shots, which I hate, but I couldnt say no.. I had to have one, but since I dont drink anymore, it was kind of too much for me.. But I had a good time. In the evening they decided they wanted to come tomorrow also. I warned them that the place will be packed, but they still wanted to come. So i reserved a table for us all, I know we will come late, but I hope that Loveshack is nice and hold the table for us anyway. I am there so often, so they all know me by know, but it doesnt help on Wednesdays.. Any other day would have been fine, but Wednesdays are crazy.
My guests bought me tequila! So now I need to sleep. I never drink anymore, so this Tequila shot was way too much! Luckily I work late tomorrow.. Although they wanted me to take them out tomorrow as well, so I guess I have to do that =)
Party tonight
I am still in office waiting for my collegue and some of the guests. Apparantly we are going out to night together. That is really messed up! Well, lets see where we end up tonight, I guess I will be home very late tonight.
Well, I have to leave now, write something later tonight
Hey all
I usually dont have any problems sleeping when there is noice around me. I live on a main road in India, I cant have problems with that because it is never quiet here. I hear the cars and people all the time! But this morning I woke up, and I couldnt fall asleep again and the sound was just so irritating. My maid was outside my room, brooming. Outside my house, not inside, and the sound was so loud, and so irritating I just wanted to scream and tell her to stop! I hear this sound every morning, I dont know why I had problems with that just today..
Tonight I dont have any plans. Im thinking of just staying home and make som food for myself. Havent been cooking for a long, long time. I dont even know if I have any food in the fridge.. Haha, I guess it is time to shapen up, stay at home simetimes, go food shopping and start cooking again.
I went out with a friend of mine to see a movie. I dont know the name of the movie, it was something like the girl with yellow boots, it was a good movie, the story was quite okay and all, but the ending should have been more interesting. They could have done it better. It was a Hinglish movie, so I understood like half of it. For the other half I had a translator..
Speaking of something else, I had a fun day in office today. There was a lot to do, and I liked it. I do love to sit in office and do some Facebooking and bloging, but it gets little boring after some time. It is better to have lots of different things to do. I also left little later than usual, that almost never happened before! Like one minute after I reached home, my friend was here to pick me up for the movie. I just had a few minutes to freshen up, then we had to leave. So you can say that I havent been home the whole day, just came back half an hour ago. Me and my friend wanted to go for some party, but we couldnt find one so he dropped me home instead.
It was a nice evening, I like being this busy and being out all the time. But now it will be very, very nice to just sleeeeeeeeep!