I am sick

I went for a colleagues birthday party the other day. I was home 5 am in the morning. Then I woke up at 7 am to go to work. Strangely enough I was not that tired. The only problem was that my cold had become worse. I was coughing, had a blocked nose, a soar throat, headache and a little fever. I worked almost the whole day, but at 3 pm I felt that I needed to go home. My friend was nice to drop me at my home and bought me some medicine.. I was home resting, and then watched some Gossip Girl. Or so I thought. Before I knew it, it was 3 am in the morning and I did not even realise that I had fallen asleep. The fever was gone, but the cold was still there.

No issues, I went to office, another of my colleague came to pick me up and now, here I am. Waiting for my lunch to be ready for me.. Hopefully I can leave on time today, Saturday and Sunday I am off. I need that after I have been working for 12 days straight.


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