Men är Danmark inte mycket anti-kapitalistiskt land? Det är en välfärdsstat där du inte kan starta eget företag som i Amerika etc. Men, jag hörde sin vackra och mindre korruption, men höga skatter. Regeringen tar verkligen hand om människor i Danmark och det är en lycklig land. Jag fortfarande föredrar Kanada, tror jag
Denmark and Sweden is very similar.. He really liked those countries he said.. My favourite is Sweden of course..
J: You can indeed start your own company in Denmark. It is NOT communist and NOT anti-capitalist. Such nonsense! It is however, less capitalistic than the US, but that doesn't make it anti-capitalist. There is white and there is black - but there is also grey ;)
J: You can indeed start your own company in Denmark. It is NOT communist and NOT anti-capitalist. Such nonsense! It is however, less capitalistic than the US, but that doesn't make it anti-capitalist. There is white and there is black - but there is also grey ;)