And my Saturday

After coming home, on Saturday morning I did all the things I needed to do that I dont have time for otherwise, food shopping, laundry, going to the parlour and other things. I also sat outside in the sun, drinking juice and reading a book - heaven! I ordered lunch from outside, very cheap lunch, and I learned my lesson once again, dont eat in too cheap places. I got some stomach pain afterwards, but it got even worse in the night. Right now I am okay but lets see what happens later on.

I went out with the italian maffia, since they are now back in India again. Not that they want to, all they do is complain about it. They hate being here, kind of atleast, and I am so jealous of them, having good jobs and an opportunity to stay in India for a long time. Well we went to the Ives party in Chancery Pavillion. The Ives party is also known as the expatparties. I actually met 2 swedish people, which like almost never happens. Now I will tell you how small this city is. The girl I meet is the sister of the owner to the company where Juliya is going to work. Juliya is going to live in the same house as this girl.

I meet some long lost friends in the party. What I love about going out is that you get to know all kinds of people that in the future can be very helpful. You never know what kind of people you will meet. And also, since this city is very small, you get to know gossip about people you know. I keep asking everyone about this and this person, and I always get some kind of information that I didnt know before.. After the party I went to a friends house for an afterparty. I dont know why I always go, I dont like afterparties. Well, I went, and I actually did have fun. I meet some more people from Europe (I forgot which country) and kept talking for some time. I was standing outside, on the balcony. From there I saw an autodriver, and I, like I always do, asked if I could drive his auto. We bargained for some time, I dont understand why he wanted me to pay to drive him home? And we didnt agree on the price, since I didnt want to pay anything. So we stoped talking. And then before I knew it, the autodriver was in our afterparty. Haha, like I said before, you never know what kind of people you will meet in parties..

I came home little after one and then had one of those nights from hell, due to the stupid, cheap food. Now it is better, but still not all well...


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