
Tomorrow the festival Diwali starts, the great festival of lights. It must be one of the most famous festivals in India, for us foregigners atleast. Diwali and Holi are the popular once I think. I had some great plans for tomorrow, since I havent had a good Diwali till date. My first Diwali was celebrated in Jaipur with my friends. We had to go home to the hotel because boys kept stalking us and touching us! My second Diwali was spent all alone in a hotelroom in Delhi, I also had food poisoning and no one could help me get medicine or take me to hospital until morning.. My third Diwali was spent at a friends place, where I actually didnt want to be. I was hoping my forth Diwali would be a good one, celebrated the Delhiway (Delhipeople know how to celebrate festivals) Now there is a slight change in plans, I hope I can get past my grudges and still have a good time..

Houses will be decorated with flowers and lots of lights. A lot of crackers will be sold and used. Some pujas, good food and drinks also I guess... It is very nice being a part of all the Indian festivals, there is so much love and happiness during these times. And look at this sweetbox I got from office today! I will never finish this one, it is too much sweets for me.

Postat av: Anna

Hoppas att du mår bra, det gör jag :) tänkte

På en sak ang festivaler. Är det en typ av indisk

festival då man ser på tv ibland att dom kastar färg!?


2011-10-25 @ 17:30:56
Postat av: Sara

Jaa, jag mar ocksa bra! Hur mar den lilla bebisen? Snart ar det dags for den att komma! Har ni inhandlat alla saker? Har ni tankt pa nagra namn?

Japp, den dar festivalen heter Holi, fargfestivalen. Man kastar massa farg pa varandra, det verkar skitroligt, har aldrig firat den dock, det brukar vara i Februari nagon gang!

2011-10-26 @ 05:23:58
URL: http://sarasindia.blogg.se/

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