Early morning

These days I am waking up at 5ish am. But it is totally worth it because I get off at 3ish pm and it is so nice to get home early, when there is still some sunshine, or rain, and when there is no rush in the traffic. More early mornings for me please, Roushan! The only bad thing is that there is no good bus for me. Today I was lucky, my bus that I usually takes were early, so I could go directly to office, otherwise I have to take 2 buses or one bus and auto. All my problems will be solved if/when I get a scooter... I know I keep writing so much about this scooter, but I really, really want one. I am just waiting for some of my bikerfriends to come back to Bangalore, and then they will help me find a good one..

Last night was spent at home. The night before I only sleept for 4 hours because some of my friends kept calling and texting me so I couldnt fall asleep, so this night I got the sleept that I needed. It was also a sad night, I finished my Grillchips! Now I regret that I didnt brought more from Sweden when I was there.. The only Swedish stuff I have left now is one Marabou milkchocolate, Djungelvral and a little, very litttle losgodis.

Food that I am missing at the moment, in this order:
1. Arlas red milk
2. Krossad chocklad glass (The best Ice cream in the world!)
3. Grillchips
4. Pizza
5. Grilled salmon with potatosalad, creme fraiche dipp med rod lok och dill
6. A good steak
7. Hamburger
8. Tacos (But I have it here, I am just to lazy to cook my own food now that I have a few personal cooks in office)


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