Girls night out
I had a lovely evening in Sky bar.. It started off little dull, because it was raining and we had to sit inside, but after some time they opened up the outside bar, so we could enjoy the view and all the fireworks! The music was very good, and we all wanted to dance. Just after a few seconds of dancing, one guy came up to Sam and said that dancing is not allowed. She said, oh she is not dancing, she has epilepsy.. Weirdly, they did let us dance after that. I guess maybe they just have to tell us that dancing is not allowed, if we dont follow it, they cant help it. Atleast they have told us..
Now I think I will just relax til Wednesday´s party. Be home and enjoy my puppies or something.. Last week it was to many parties, with friends, colleagues and guests. So I need to take it little slow now, just hang out at home with friends.. So please dont invite me for parties, because it is so hard to say no!
Food looks yummy, but it wasnt that good
I ate almost the whole cake..
We finished almost the whole cake when the night ended....
And somehow I turned into a muslim, not a very good one though, I am showing my whole arm...