The S-gang

A few nights ago, I was out with some new friends of mine, it was Sara, Stu, Su, Sudhir, Sandy, Soe.. You see the pattern? It took me so long (two days) to remember all the names and who were who.

Yesterday I stayed in office 2 hours, just to get a ride back home to town. And also to meet up a friend. Me, my colleague and the friend went to a place called Legends of Rock, it is really close to my house. They had some drinks and food, and then later one of my friends picked me up and took me to Loveshack. As soon as I entered the place, I was kind of attaced my people I know, and hardly know.. It feels good to be recognised and kind of popular ;)

I had a nice time, it was nice that it wasnt so many people out, you had time to talk and walk around properly. Tomorrow is my friends birtday party in Loveshack. I should buy him a small gift, but I have no idea what to gift him..


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