Hard Rock Cafe

Everyone was very, very friendly in office today. I asked my colleague Roushan if he told people to be nice to me. He said no, turned his head and again said "Do your job!" when I kept looking at him. I think that means he was lying. Of course it is nice that everyone is extra friendly, but it was little weird also. When people are feeling sorry for me, I feel even more sorry for myself. Even our General Manager was very nice and we had a long chat, which we never had before..

Anyway, my shift is over but I am still sitting in office. I am waiting. Waiting for my colleagues to get off their shifts. And waiting for 2 of our guests to get off work. All of us are going to Hard Rock Cafe. I went there once, for a party, but the music was waaaay to loud so I had to leave. I always wanted to go there and eat, they are famous for nice hamburgers. So today is the day, the day I will have my first hamburger in Bangalore. I did have beef once, or maybe twice but it has been a while now. So it will be nice to have some real, proper meat again..


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