What to do in the darkness?

When I came home last night, there was no power. The house were completely black, not a single light was there, from anywhere. One of my roommates were home, so everything was fine. But then after just a few minutes she left the house. I lid some candles, in my room, but I was still scared. For you people who doesnt know, I am very scared of the dark. So there I was, sitting in my room, trying to think about happy things. I tried calling my rescuer, Sam, but she didnt understand that it was a matter of life and death, so she didnt pick up my call, eventhough I called her around 50 times!

After what felt like a lifetime, she called back, so I atleast had some company.. And then my friend came to pick me up, so I didnt have to be in the house anymore... Im thinking I should do some therapy. To cure my darkness fear.. I am a grownup, but still behaves like a baby if it dark and if I am alone...

Postat av: Lisa


Längesedan jag skrev något på din blogg känner jag.

jag är likadan som dig när det gäller mökret. Försäker tänka på solsken och andra härliga saker, men allt som snurrari huvudet är skräckfilmer, mördare och andra hemska saker. Jag vågade knappt slänga soporna när vi bodde i Stenungsund. Du vet hur nära sopbingen låg va?

Kram Lisa

2011-09-14 @ 07:54:00
Postat av: Sara

Hehe, jag var lite varre an dig.. Jag laste dorren, stangde dorren till tvattstugan, tande alla lampor i hela huset, forberedde mat och allt som jag ville ha, och satt uppe. Allt detta forbereddes innan det blev morkt. Efter morkret gick jag aldrig ner...

2011-09-14 @ 14:31:07

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