Why do I love India?

"Today I had to dodge a cow in traffic!"

I often get questions like "What do you love about India?" "How can you love India this much, just go back home!" But it is not that easy anymore. India has grown on me, and everyday I am happy that I live in India. There are so much love here, so much laughter, so much misery and so much happiness. Life in India is so different from the life I had in Sweden. No day is the other one alike. India is a very charming country. I think you either love it or hate it. It is so different, so exciting, so much colour, so much smells, so much crowd, so much love, so much happiness, so much beauty, so much poverty, so much richness, so much of everything!

When I was talking to my friend the other night, she was wondering why I love India so much. She thought I should go back to Sweden, it is so clean there, and traffic is so nice "Today I had to dodge a cow" The things she hates, are the tings I love and see as the charm of my beloved India (Okay, I confess, I dont always love the traffic and dirt).

India has taught me so much. She has taught me to be very independent, to take care of myself, to be patient, to not loose my temper over small issues (okay, I am still working hard on that point), to be happy with what I have, to appreciate life, to love, to enjoy, to love myself.

Postat av: Dana

Det är så härligt att du älskar Indien så mycket. Jag älskar det också, och smutsen, trafiken och allt annat som är så lätt att inte älska, bidrar till dess charm. Vad gott att du får vara en del av allt det underbara! <3

2011-09-18 @ 10:30:31
Postat av: Sara

Nar kommer du till Indien nasta gang Dana? Ar det till brollopet?

2011-09-18 @ 13:12:17
URL: http://sarasindia.blogg.se/

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