An update

It is the end of an era.

No more Princess of Koramangala, No more Mickey mouse house, No more Loveshack, No more Barbiedoll, No more Sara-akka, No more BANGALORE.
I have left Bangalore, most probably for good. My time in Bangalore has been one of the best times in my life! I am so happy for (almost) everything I have been through there. Bangalore will always have a very, very special place in my heart. Anyone moving to India, I will always suggest you to move to Bangalore. It is my absolute favourite place to live. The people, the clubs, the climate, the food, the areas, the cars (beside all the jaguars, bmws and mercedes, there were two volvojeeps on my street), the houses, I just love it all!
Stay tuned for my next adventure...

Postat av: Dana

Åh, lilla Sara!! Tänk vad mycket du varit med om! Ser fram emot dina äventyr via What'sApp-bloggen ;-) KRAM från mig och lilla Bönan :-)

Svar: Ja, jag ser också fram emot mina äventyr! Kram till dig och lilla bönan, som väl måste vara ganska stor nu.

2012-07-16 @ 02:14:26
Postat av: Juliti

Exakt vad har jag missat?!

Svar: Inte så mycket. Bara att jag har flyttat ifrån Bangalore. Snart, när allt är bestämt skriver jag vad som händer härnäst.

2012-07-16 @ 08:45:06

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