Ah, finally

After one and a half month, my lappy is back. My life is back to its normal routine, Facebook, listening to music, reading Aftonbladet, reading relationship problems (It is my weirdest hobby, but no breakfast before I do this), and watching movies. I will never ever again give my laptop away to someone I know. I had to learn the hard way.
  1. It took more than one month to get my laptop back, after chasing it almost daily over the phone.
  2. The person who opened up my laptop ruined it. The repairguy I like told me the last person who opened it had no idea what he did. Something was missing and something was broken.
  3. It was completely dirty! (My keyboard is white, very easy for me to see the dirt). Just because it is not yours doesnt mean you can treat it anyway you want! There is even glue on it, that I cant get rid of.
When I gave my laptop to the very nice and qualified computerguy I told him "this is my baby, please be careful with it. And try to close it properly" (which the other, first person had not done). He said he would take very good care of it, and that he did. That is why I like him. Although, he said my laptop is beyond full repair. I guess it is time to replace my baby, eventhough I dont want to..
And one more thing. When I got the laptop back from number one, he forgot the cable to my charger! So once again, I have to chase something. And dont think this is an easy task. Oh no, this is India people! Dont you ever forget that. If I multiply the time it takes in Sweden, with lets say, 10 or maybe 15, I get the time it takes in India! So, getting a cable back in Sweden = 1 phonecall, 1 day. India = 10-15 phonecalls, 10-15 days.


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