Back in the virtual world
I am back in action! From now on I will never ask someone else to do my work. I was told that tomorrow I will get my laptop back, but I can say that I have heard that many, many times during these 3 weeks! Anyway, even if I get my laptop back tomorrow, it still needs to be fixed, since it would be too costly to give it to whatever serviceplace my friend took it to.
In the mean time, I was lucky enough to borrow a laptop from a friend of mine. It is nothing like my small, cute, pink laptop. But I can assure you, it is a hell lot better than no laptop at all.
So for now I say goodnight, I will update more tomorrow.

My laptop is not working..
I need to give it for repair, so please allow a few days of me not writing..
Another day in Sweden

I think I should become a teacher
So eventhough I am working I have a lot of freetime. This time, I have a job with few hours and a higher salary than in my previous job. I am very glad I left the old job. I never liked it. I only took the job so I could get a visa. I was thinking of leaving for a long time. But when the time was right, after I got my salary and my colleague got back, I left. The timing had to be right. And why didnt I like the job? Well, many hours, very less salary, an expectation of working extra hours without extra money, no appreciation. I dont blame anyone, well actually I do, but there is nothing I can do about that now.. None of the swedes liked the job. And very few of the indians liked it..
Anyway, back to my freetime. I have earlier told you about my maid and her daughters. The youngest one comes everyday to see me. We talk, we play, we argue and we laugh. And sometimes we dance and watch rhymes on youtube. (Sometimes I find myself walking around singing Baa baa black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir three bags full...) Her mom asked her to bring her schoolbook so I could help her with math. (Me and math?!) She brought her book and she told me she wanted to learn multiplication! I thought she was joking. You learn that when you are six years old? Well I did as I was told, and she learned it fast. We only did, 1,2 and 3. But that is a lot when you are six.
After that she wanted to learn my language, Spanish (Swedish). No matter how many times I told her it was Swedish, she always said Spanish. "Sara is teaching me Spanish!" Anyway, I taught her a few sentences, saying them only once or twice, like I am hungry, what are you cooking, go away, I love you etc. This was long ago. I guess about 2 weeks now. After that I never repeated or taught her again. I got really surprised when she came into my room today and said; "Sara, Jag älskar dig" (I love you) with perfect pronounciation. What a memory she has.
Late night dinner
Yesterday I met my friend for dinner. He has, for a very long time, asked me to come to a place called Sufi, who serves Iranian food. So finally, yesterday I gave in. I never had Iranian food before so it was nice to taste it. But I have to say, it was not my cup of tea. Or not my kind of food. It was okay, but I wont go back there for dinner again. But the company was nice. We sat in the sofa for a few hours, talking, watching my friend play cricket (Chris Gayle, we are buddies now. I met him at the airport), talking pictures etc.
After dinner we went to my favourit place, Gelato Italiano. I love their ice-cream. I go there frequently (like almost everyday) so when the regular guy is working it goes something like this; "Good evening mam, how are you? One medium cup with Swiss chocolate?" Me: "Ummm, yes please..."
Whenever I find something I like I usually dont try something new. Okay, I actually try every flavour they have, I get a small spoon with each and every flavour.. But I stick to my Swiss chocolate, I really like it.

Me and my friend, who btw is going to Sweden for vacation

He told me it was cold outside, thats why I was wearing so much clothes.
I am not listening to him again, I was soooo hot!

Beef and chicken

One day in Sweden

Okay, a few weird things that Indians do.
My driver, oh yes I have a driver now, he is a weird fella. Smart or stupid? Well, that depends on who you ask. Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory, for the drivers I guess. (I am not sure about this, I am just guessing). So, to not be caught by the cops (again, I am guessing) he just wears it. But not like you should. He just takes the seatbelt over him, without clicking it. So the cops will not mind, since they cant see its not worn properly. But if there is an accident, the seatbelt is totally useless. If he even bothers to put the seatbelt over him, why isnt he just clicking? So its worn properly? I just dont understand why! Its so close, why dont just do it fully?!
Another scenario, but same story. people who drives a bike. So many times I see them wear the hemlet, but they dont click it? Why? Are people that lazy? Or what is it really about?
My driver, wearing the seatbelt but not clicking it.
How long will this last?
Okay, I want to write. I really, really want to write because there are still quite a lot of you who reads my blog everyday. I want to write for you. I feel guilty when I dont write. You all want to read about my adventures in India. But I have felt for quite some time that there are no adventures in my life anymore. Its just my life. Do you really want to read about it? Its nothing exciting about it. Or atleast it not exciting for me anymore.
The main reason I havent written is this;

Its my 5 year diary. And I love it. Why, oh why havent I bought one before! How I wish I have had one for the last, 10 years! Everyday I write something about my day. Thats what I have been doing in my blog as well, but I am sure you do understand that I can not write every personal thing here, so therefor I have used my diary instead. So my need of writing has been fulfilled.