How long will this last?
Okay, I want to write. I really, really want to write because there are still quite a lot of you who reads my blog everyday. I want to write for you. I feel guilty when I dont write. You all want to read about my adventures in India. But I have felt for quite some time that there are no adventures in my life anymore. Its just my life. Do you really want to read about it? Its nothing exciting about it. Or atleast it not exciting for me anymore.
The main reason I havent written is this;

Its my 5 year diary. And I love it. Why, oh why havent I bought one before! How I wish I have had one for the last, 10 years! Everyday I write something about my day. Thats what I have been doing in my blog as well, but I am sure you do understand that I can not write every personal thing here, so therefor I have used my diary instead. So my need of writing has been fulfilled.