I think I should become a teacher
Late night dinner

One day in Sweden

My driver, wearing the seatbelt but not clicking it.
How long will this last?

I am back
My luck is gone
The amount of bad luck I have had for the last few days is countless. Usually my life just "is", but now something has happend. So much of bad luck that I was actually little scared of driving my scooty today, although nothing happend. A few things that happend; my atm card was blocked, then it was double blocked, then my daily limit was exceeded without me using the card, then my card was stuck in the atm machine and no one was there to help me, then I couldnt get any money, the last thing that happend today was I broke my nail. It is now so short that it is hurtful.
I hope my bad luck will turn into luck soon, it is no fun with so many bad things happen all the time.
My lovely roommate kind of woke me up today with the news that Bangalore International Airport is shutdown for weeks! I got a smaller chock, until I realised that it cant be closed for that long, what will happen with all the flights? I googled it, and there it said, Bangalore int. airport is being closed for maintainance. During 8 weeks it will effect all the international flights between 10.30 am to 5.30 pm. I am lucky enough to have a very early morning flight! I will reach home as scheduled, hopefully!
Besides that, I am having bad sleepingproblems. I cant fall asleep in the nights! Yesterday I was awake till 5am. I am just twisting and turning in bed, until I get so bored that I turn on the TV or watch some movie on my laptop. Due to this, I have also become a midnightsnacker. I eat stuff in the middle of the night, when I am supposed to be sleeping. All I can hope for, is that I will put on some weight, but not only on my stomach.
New sunglasses
Like most of my friends here in India already know, I have become quite anti-social the last 2 months. I spend most of my time at home, and I meet very few people. This also means I go for very few parties. I select the best ones, those who are worth going on. Well, after a long time in Bangalore all the parties are more or less the same. Same DJ´s, same people, same kind of music etc, etc.. But a few weeks ago, I got tired of just sitting at home, so I decided to go out. It was a good decision. I left the party with 5 pair of sunglasses! White, red, orange, blue and yellow. I came home with only these two.
Someone stole the white ones, the ones I liked the most. I gave away the yellow and the blue ones.
Fan gone wild
Like you all remember, I am going to Sweden next week. The sad part is, I am going to miss my favourite holiday Holi. Last year I spent Holi in Bangalore and got very dissapointed becuase there was no celebration what so ever. Hopefully next year I can spend Holi in Mumbai. Its supposed to be very good there.. In Delhi aswell but it is not very safe to be there.
Anyway, like I said, I am going to Sweden next week. I am preparing myself by eating Swedish sweets - Negerbollar, although without pärlsocker. and being on Swedish time. Today for example I woke up at 1pm which I have never done before. I feel very guilty for sleeping half the day, but I blame it on my fan. My fan has gone mad. It is making so much noice, if it is on I cant fall asleep. So when it is off, it is very hot in my room, and when it is so hot I get very tired.
Swedish sweets. I promise they are very tasty, eventhough it doesnt look like it.
Smoked Out
I have almost stopped eating outside. One reason is because my immunesystem has been pretty bad, so I decided that it will be much better if I have homecooked food. I say almost because once in a while there might be an emergency, like you get really, really hungry when you are stuck outside for some time.
Yesterday I got hungry when I was out with a friend. So I suggested we could go for lunch. We went for a new restaurant called Smoked out, in Koramangala. A very nice place, it is very small, but the food is really tasty! American style grilled food. I ordered one grilled chicken breast, it came along with garlic bread, salad and french fries tossed in something that tasted like sourcream and onion potatochips. Very, very nice food. The only thing that I missed was fish on the menu. Grilled fish would have made it perfect. I hope they will extend their menu soon. So, If you are in or around Koramangala, do try this restaurant. And its not very costly either, approx. 200rs per dish.
Different fresh herbs on each table.
My maids daughter
I really like my maid and her daughters. The youngest (6 years) has a lot of energy and you sometimes do need a break from her. Her sister, she will turn 20 in June, is really sweet. I always talk to her when she comes and helps her mom clean our house. She told me that she left school when her sister was born, to take care of her and help her mom. So since the age of 14 she hasnt been to a proper school. She has some homework sometimes but I dont know from where she gets them. She comes to our house every day to clean the house and she works in the beauty saloon on the second floor of our building. The other day we were talking about marriage and I asked her when she would get married.
She told me that her mom is searching for a boy she can marry, but that she has not found one yet. Her mom came inside my room and also wanted to talk with us. She spoke in Kannada so her daughter translated for me. Her mom told me that she was looking for a boy but she had not found one yet. And she also mentioned how could she find one, she doesnt have any money, she works as a maid. Her daughter asked me if I knew anyone and I said I will see if I find someone. Again her mother said that she doesnt have money so she cant pay for it. When I said I would try to find someone that had money and could pay himself they both laughed. So I guess that is not how it will work here..
Sometimes you meet people, or families, that you really like and you want them to get a good life. I wish I could help them with money and pay for everything around the wedding so the daughter will get a good husband. But unfortunately right now, I am not able to help out. But since the maid herself got a pretty bad husband, I am sure she will find a nice man for her daughter.
I am going home
There are various reasons why I havent written in my blog in a long time. But when my friends asks me why are you not writing anything? And when some random guy goes through all the work finding out my number to call and say that he has read my blog for a long time and really, really likes it, then I feel guilty for not writing anything for those who actually enjoy it.
It kind of made my day, when that random person called me to say how much he liked my blog, and tried to convince me he wasnt one of those weird guys that I have been writing about in my blog before. He also, before we ended the conversation asked me to not write this in my blog. Oops, sorry about that!
Anyway, I am leaving India next week to meet two new familymembers! I am so happy to go back home and see them. I have lots of regards to give to my family and the new ones and specially to the lovely I. She is very, very popular here.. How lovely indians are. Even though they have never met, seen (in real life) or talked to my family they still want me to send their regards, love and best wishes.
Divorce in India
This is my view of it all. It might not be correct, but this is how I see it.
I live in a country where marriage is one of the most important things in a girls life. Families have to find a good husband (when it comes to character, finance, family etc) for their daughter. The standards are different depending if you are from a high class, middle class or a low class society, and it might also work differently on how they find the husband for their daughter. Sometimes love marraiges are allowed, but I think that mostly is accepted in high class and sometimes middle class families. One thing that is very tabu, and almost not accepted in any part of society, is divorce.
For me it is a big mystery how you can agree on (okay, many times you might not have a choice) marrying someone that you have met only for a few times, and then expect to be with that person for life. In the west, we do have relationships, we "try" our partner for a long time, to see if we want to spend the rest of our life with that person. Here in India, you most of the time dont have that "luxury". So, how can you expect to be married to a stranger, and spend the rest of your life with that person? So many times a person is nice in the initial part, but later on changes.
My main question when it comes to arranged marriages is; How can you know you want to spend your life with this person? The answers I get from various indians is that you listen to relatives and friends, how that person is, and you also see if his family is good, then he will be good. But my question always remains; How can you know?
Anyway, what I want to come back to is the tabu, divorce. In high and middle class society it is still accepted, in some cases I guess. But you dont want to be divorced. My guess is that you try very hard and stay with your spouse, because it is easier than being a divorcee. In low class my guess is that it is almost a crime. This is why I really look up to my maid.
My maid is a really cool lady, and I wish I could communicate with her more. She knows very less english; Hi, Lunch? Finish. Bye. And my Kannada (local language) is even more limited; illa, which means something like nothing or no.
She has 2 daughters, they both speak english and goes to school. The oldest (around 20 of age I think) sometimes asks me for help regarding her homework, and I gladly help her. My maid takes very good care of her kids and feed them and buy things for them as much as she can. She has a husband. A small, slim thing. He is an alcoholic and he is abusive. He has hit her repetedly, I guess mostly when he is drunk, and her small daughter (6 years) has tried to go in between when he is hitting her.
My maid has kicked him out. He is not living with them anymore. Once in a while he comes here, standing outside our gate and scream at her and the kids. Last time he said he would come back in the night and kill one of the daughters (he talks a lot, but he doesnt dare to do anything here).
He might still be her husband, but I really admire her for kicking him out, protecting not only her but her two kids from an abusive father. This must have been a very hard decision for her to make. I know that there are so many families where the husband is abusive, but the wife is still with him because of the shame of being alone/getting a divorce and because it is hard for a single woman to take care of herself and kids. And she is working hard to get money to take care of her small family. She is loving and caring and she even sometimes comes to our house and give us food, when she should give that for her family instead.
My maid is really an awesome woman.
My first dressingtable
One day for purchasing
One day for delivery
One day for putting it together for me.
Three days before having it ready in my room. Worth it? Absolutely!
Thank God for IKEA
I have got a new piece of furniture for my room. It is apparently something that all the women in India has. I bought it yesterday, got it delivered today and tomorrow it will be put together. I say thanks for IKEA, where you buy it, take it home yourself and put it together yourself. So it will be ready and done when you want it to be..
Here, it takes me numerous of phonecalls to ask where the serviceguy is, the one who has to put it together for me. I got one promise that he would be here today, 5ish. Now I have a promise that he will be here tomorrow morning 11ish. So lets see whenever he comes..
When these things happen (not that I buy furnitures so often) I really miss IKEA. Here in India you pay for anything, people dont seem to do things themselves. I remember when I lived with my old roommate, there was a bed in my room that needed to be sold. My roommate complained that she was waiting for some guy. I asked which guy, and she said, the guy who will dismantle the bed. I started laughing and wondered why she couldnt do it herself. It was like three screws! But like I said, you dont do these things yourself here. Why get your own hands dirty when it will only cost you a few rupees for someone else to dirty their hands for you. I doubt that the concept of IKEA would work here, where you get all the tools, screws and instructions to do it yourself.
Questions with no answers
I cant stop thinking about my friend. What happened? I want to know what exactly happened. And why did it happen? I am pretty sure why, but how? How can someone be murdered? Did my friend know what was going to happen? Was it a surprise? Did my friend suffer? Did my friend struggle? Was my friend in pain? Was it over fast? Was my friend tortured? Was my friend kidnapped? Was my friend scared? Did my friend know the person/people who did it? What was going through my friends mind? Who threw my friend on the side of the road like garbage? Who could do something like this? Does the murderer feel guilty? Did the murderer enjoy it? Was the murderer paid to do it by someone else? Will the murderer get caught?
I remember all the times me and my friends were hanging out. We were like the three musketeers. Every single day we were hanging out. We had a lot of fun, and I look back at these memories with warmth. Roadtrips, parties, eating out, eating at home, just hanging, sleeping, talking... I didnt meet my friend for almost six months when this happened. My friend had left Bangalore and gone home so we didnt meet in a long time. I could never imagine this would happen.
I remember the first time I saw my friend, and I remember the first time we spent some time together. I dont often do that, but with this friend of mine I do. It all started with a glas of white wine and a shared pancake with chocolate in the mall close to our house. After that, it was always us. The person I could always trust and count on.
More parties please
The party of the century
So I went for the CCL Afterparty last night. It was really an amazing party! I had so much fun, and the party was looong. I was home 6am in the morning.. It stared with me and my friend coming to the party, arriving in a very fancy BMW. We entered the hotel and lots of people were hanging around in the lobby. We went inside the club and met a friend of mine. We were hanging out for some time and before I knew it the place was completely packed. We could not even go outside, so many people were fighting, trying to enter without an invitation. My friend came to our rescue and took us to the second floor, where the secret afterparty happened.
It was in a huge hall, a big bar and after some time, lots and lots of people. I met a few of my friends and I met a lot of celebrities. They invited us for an afterparty in one of the suites, and of course we couldnt say no to that. Salman Khans brother was there, Bobby Deol was there, Vatsal Seth was there, just to mention a few..
Being a celeb and having lots of money doesnt mean that they always dress up and look good in parties. Salman Khans brother, for example, was wearing sweatpants from Abercrombi and Fitch and crooks on his feet! Atleast dress up a little...
Anyway, the party was awesome, I had such a fun night.....
Me and Salman Khan
Tonight I am going for THE party. Its not even the party of the year, but the party of the century! The Celebrity Cricket league After Party at ITC Gardenia. I got two VVIP invitations from my friend that is arranging this party, thank you very much for that!
Celebrities will come, cricketers will come, strictly invitations only. Salman Khan is apparently coming, so you will find me, with Salman Khan, dancing on the bar! It will be the wildest, craziest, weirdest most fun party ever! I have very high expectations of this party..
For all you invited; I will see you tonight, and we will dance the whoooooole night away ♥