You want some coke?
Hey beauty whats up? Do you want some coke?
I went for dinner with my roomie, to one of my favourite restaurants Chandni chowk. They have awesome indian food, and it is not that costly also.. We havent seen each other for some time, both have been busy and out of town. After dinner she drove me home, my street is a one way street, so she stoped at one turn so I had to walk for like 50 meters to my house. In that short strech, one weirdo passed me on his scooter, calling; Hey beauty, whats up? Do you want some coke? I know that drugs are very common here, but just screaming it out on the street like that? Anyway, I gave him a weird look, and went inside my house as soon as possible. Not that I was scared, I am just fed up with stupid people. And trust me, I meet stupid people a lot!
I was so tired when I came home today, I watched a movie and I fell asleep. I woke up when my roomie called me 3 hours later and again I had no idea if it was morning or evening! This waking up really early is really messing with my sleep-habits. Now I am all full after an awesome dinner - the best part in this restaurant is the tiny onions soaked in vinegear - am feeling tired so I guess I will fall asleep very shortly again.
There was a Metallica concert yesterday, apparently 50.000 people were there, so no wonder the crowd was little less last night, but it was fun anyway. 50.000 people! I cant believe it, its so many! I am glad I was not there, I hate going for concerts, all you do is stand for hours and hours... But I heard it was good, so maybe I will watch it on tv instead.. Anyways, nothing new is happening here, the days are just passing, life goes on, nothing interesting going on right now.
Me and my saree
I love working in the mornings! I really, really love it. The only negative part is that I have to wake up very early. But I love being home early also. Yesterday I had so much done just bacause I got home early. Its almost like I didnt work. Which is of course awesome. I gave my saree for stitching yesterday. It will be ready on the 5th, they also promised me they will teach me how to drape it. So it will be worth those extra rupees that I am sure I paid. I think they kind of cheated me, but its okay. I blame it on myself for still not having learnt the numbers in hindi. That will change now, though! I will everyday learn something new in hindi. I work with indians everyday, I should take the opportunity to learn. It is free and they will teach me the proper spoken hindi. Anyways, I hope my saree will look awesome, I told them I wanted the blouse to be deep in the back, I love showing the back, it looks very nice.
Yesterday I was supposed to go out for some Halloween party. But I was actually so tired so I stayed home instead. I fell asleep with the laptop on and lights on. My roommate woke me up at 12.30! I got so scared, because I knew I had fallen asleep without putting my alarm! I asked, what is the time? When he said it was 12.30 I asked if it was 12.30 morning or night! I had no sense of timing. Like I would have slept for more that 12 hours without waking up once, stupid me!
My day of shopping
All of you that have been shopping in India, and I am sure many other parts of Asia, knows that it sometimes is a pain to do so. I am talking about the staff that just keeps following you around, and dont let you look on your own. They stand 2 centimeters away from you at all times, as soon as you touch or look at something they are there to say something, show you or give it to you. Sometimes this is very good, I mean you dont have to do anything when you are in the stores. But other times you just want to be left alone. Like Thursday.
I went to Commercial street, I needed to do some shopping. (Okay I didnt need to, I wanted to). I went in to one store and they were little extreme. As soon as I entered they asked me what I wanted. How can I know what I want? I havent even seen what they have! I guess maybe indians shop differently than we do back home. Home we shop because we want something, here you buy things that you need. Of course I dont neeeed another pair of shoes when I have like 15 paris at home, I just want them..
So I told her, please let me look first. If I need your help I will tell you, promise! She said okay and followed me around, very closely. I was not in the mood for that on that day so I told her, please dont follow me, I want to see for myself. If I need something I will tell you. She said okay, and kept following me. I told her, please let me just have a look! I will go upstairs, you wait down here. Two seconds later she was also upstairs. But she was nice and said, I am not following you. I just came upstairs to put this thing here. And she also explained that it is her duty to follow the customers around. But eventually we came to some kind of understanding. She stood in one corner, starring at me, and I could do my shopping without a leech. She laughed at me when I left the store.
Enjoy this
I love shopping
It feels like it was so long ago I did some shopping, but I just remembered that Mumbai had some good shopping when I was there.. And I went to Commercial street today and did lots of shopping. I cant even say how much money I accidently spent today! But I needed it all! Clothes, shoes, and the best part - my first Saree! It is so difficult to buy sarees, there are so many pretty and the best part is that you dont have to worry about any sizes. Everyone will fit you. So you just have to choose the ones that you like!
Early morning
A phonecall woke me up last night, of course people make drunk phonecalls to me on Diwali, what did i expect? Anyway, I knew people would miss me, but this much? I had no idea. After all the phonecalls "Where are you?" "Why didnt you come out?" "We miss you" it was time for me to fall asleep again. Only, now I couldnt sleep. I guess I was to excited with all the boosting I got from my friends. And then I got so hungry, I went up in the middle of the night to get some food. Of course there wasnt anything in the fridge, since I never eat at home these days, so I only had some youghurt. That hardly helped.
Then I started thinking about the phonecall that came to office today. Who was that? He started with asking me normal question like where the office was located, but then it turned personal. Where am I from? I dont sound indian? What is my name? Do I want to go for Metallica with him? How long will I be working for? etc.. I hope it is not a scary stalker guy! His voice sounded familiar, maybe it was one of my friends, but I didnt recoognise his number. Luckily I never work alone. I hope all my guys in office will be protecting me from these weirdos. After all, I am everyones favourite in office ♥ hehe
We are not friends
We just cant get along. I dont know why this is, I am such a nice person, everyone likes me! But there are some serious tention between me and Diwali. Not a single one till date has been good, these are the reasons for this years Diwali being bad;
1. I had to work for 12 hours because someone decided to take off
2. I was angry because I had t work for stupid 12 hours on Diwali
3. Some weirdo called me at work and asked me out to the Metallica consert! I have no idea who he was
4. I got a migrane
5. There is a nice party happening, but I cant go since I have a migrane
6. There are so many crackers outside, and its hurting my head since I have a migrane
So me and Diwali are just not friends. I have to realise it now, this being my forth crappy Diwali in a row. I guess I am kind of the only one just sitting at home doing nothing... Oh, this sucks! Just because of the shift I had today, it ruined my whole week.. I am little sad because of that actually!
Puppy VS Man
Sometimes when I am bored, and my friend is in my place, I let Harper out of her room and let her run around in the house. Why do I do this when I am bored? My friend is really scared of dogs. Actually he claims he is not scared of dogs, he is only scared of puppies! And its not that he is really scared, he just dont like when they run towards him and he is not ready for it. I love watching when he jumps up on the sofa because he is scared of the tiniest little puppy, or when he jumps back in fear when the puppy is running towards him!
Yesterday was one of those days when I was little bored, so I let Harper out. I also tried to make a video out of it, but I think my friend put on his brave mask, you cant see how scared he really is.
My sweet babygirl
She really liked posing infront of the camera. She never wanted to stop taking pictures or making videos. I think she could have kept going the whole night, the sweet kid Kirtina..
Mumbai in pictures

The fight before the flight

My old city

I wish you could see this picture clearly. It is a slumarea. All the huts are having TV antenna, which is little funny when you think about it. All these huts have a TV!

Mad over donuts ♥
Tomorrow the festival Diwali starts, the great festival of lights. It must be one of the most famous festivals in India, for us foregigners atleast. Diwali and Holi are the popular once I think. I had some great plans for tomorrow, since I havent had a good Diwali till date. My first Diwali was celebrated in Jaipur with my friends. We had to go home to the hotel because boys kept stalking us and touching us! My second Diwali was spent all alone in a hotelroom in Delhi, I also had food poisoning and no one could help me get medicine or take me to hospital until morning.. My third Diwali was spent at a friends place, where I actually didnt want to be. I was hoping my forth Diwali would be a good one, celebrated the Delhiway (Delhipeople know how to celebrate festivals) Now there is a slight change in plans, I hope I can get past my grudges and still have a good time..
Houses will be decorated with flowers and lots of lights. A lot of crackers will be sold and used. Some pujas, good food and drinks also I guess... It is very nice being a part of all the Indian festivals, there is so much love and happiness during these times. And look at this sweetbox I got from office today! I will never finish this one, it is too much sweets for me.
Sweet Harper
What better way to get yourself into a good mood than this?
After a good day gone bad, I think I deserve all of these.
I am such a child! The biggest problem I have in life is seriously my mood. I cant control it and when I get angry I get so angry! I want to say so many bad things, and, to feel even better, slap someone, instead I keep it all inside because I know I will say something that is not acceptable. I left office in a rush and in a state of complete anger! It did not help that it was raining cats and dogs and I got completely drenched. The thing that made me feel slightly better was all this chocolate and this cutie waiting for me at home..
Some puppylove is the best love. Our sweet puppy Harper. I think we are going to keep her ♥
Home sweet home
Eventhough I had an awesome time in Mumbai, it is so nice to be back home in Bangalore. How can I move from here? I dont think it is possible... As soon as I entered my house, I left my luggage, took a shower and met up with some of my friends. I had a lovely evening with a long lost friend, havent seen him in a long time so it was really nice meeting him again. We were just sitting in a bar chatting the night away, I was home quite early..
So what happend in Mumbai? Well, all my visa issues got sorted out. I dont know why Bangalore gave me so much trouble, it was so easy in Mumbai. Other than that I had meetings with my Swedish friend and I ate a lot of food. The Dahi puri in Mumbai is awesome, and I hade the best roll ever, Paneer bhurji roll with cheese... And me my friend we bought so many donuts for our meetings, lovely!
Busy day
Now I am off into the extreme heat and humidity that Mumbai has, so that I have lots of time to enjoy Mumbais wonderful adventures. Shopping, eating, ticketbooking, policereports and a long meeting are on the agenda for today. Have a wonderful day, unless I am melting in the sun, I will also be having a wonderful day ♥
He is boobs lover...
I found hundreds of these on the women´s compartment in the train in Mumbai. But people please, dont call, only sms him..
Work, work, work
Yesterday after all my work (my visa issues are now solved, yeeey) I met my sweet swedish friend Kathrine. We have big plans for the future. Yesterday we had our first meeting and it looked like this! I would love to have more meetings like this.
We went to Mad Over Donuts, one of my favourite shops, they sell the best donuts ever. And we decided to buy 5 and get one free (it was their offer). When we had chosen 6 I asked them if we couldnt get one for free. The guy said that we already got one, but I wanted one more for free. I told him that we are so sweet (two cute, white chicks) so we should get one more. He couldnt say no! So 7 donuts we had, and they were all amazing. So far I have eaten Dahi Puri and donuts. Now only rolls from Lokhandwala is pending, and some of the white stuff I dont know the name of, but I dont know if I will find that.
Today I need to book a ticket for Bangalore, but before I leave I have to do some police report over here, and of course some shopping. I am leaving tonight after all my work is done.
How is it possible?
I have seen this so many times, and it always surprises me how the kids can fall asleep when someone does this. When someone did it to me ones, it was so irritating, I had to tell the person to stop because I couldnt concentrate on falling asleep.. But this kid he fell asleep, and he slept the whole flight after this..
You never know what you will find in India
I went shopping the other day, and then I found this. I didnt know they had Gina Tricot here (Swedish brand), but it made me happy, eventhough I didnt buy this thing..

Spot the white chick!

The party pictures never ends!
Now I am off for a long day full of fun, will keep you updated and posted when I have the time.. Have a great day, I know I will.. In my Beloved MUMBAI♥
Healthy Breakfast?
I think not. But I was really hungry and in a rush as well.. My friend was nice enough to give me atleast something!
Me and my cutiepie ♥
This kid is just too cute. Her name is Khirtina (dont know the spelling, but it is pronounced like this atleast) and she is the daughter of the maid we have. She is five, will turn six in a few weeks. Me and her had some nice time together on last Saturday when I was home.. We took a lot of pictures, made some movies and played a little. She wore my high heels and my Gucci bag and my mobilephone and pretended she was an office girl. She was walking around in my shoes and made a lot of calls, saying things like "No I cant come, I am in office" "Oh, I dont want to be in office, I will come home soon" Soo cute!
Why my flight was delayed
I am so sorry
To all of you how is following my Indian adventure, I am sorry for not writing as much as I should. I have had a few very hectic days, and yesterday I was so tired that I actually didnt go to Loveshack, I stayed home and slept for 11 hours. I fell asleep at 8pm. Well I needed that. And now can you all guess where I am?
Yes, I have taken a flight to Mumbai. And Oh my GOD it is so humid here! I am glad that I live in Bangalore, the weather is so much better over there.. But I am sure I will change my mind in a few days or so. After all, I do love Mumbai... The ride to Bangalore airport took me 3 hours and 20 minutes! I cant believe it, the traffic was horrible! I think I could have walked faster than that.. But once I reached the airport, my flight was delayed, so I stressed for nothing..
The reason I am in Mumbai is to sort out some issues I have been having with my stay in India. I hope it will be solved fast, I will try to do it tomorrow. But as you all know, I am in India, and India is not know for being fast and effective. So lets see how long it takes. In the meanwhile, I will enjoy everything that Mumbai has to offer. The first thing I will do is to eat! I missed good Dahi Puri sooooo much. And Mad Over Donuts, and Veg rolls in Lokhandwala. And some white thing they sell on the street that I dont know the name of..
I will try to update more frequently. And I am sorry for not being able to write. I know you all love to read whatever I write. Specially Francesco, Gianluca and SAAAAAAAM! They are my biggest fans!
I want tonight
A few crazy days, no sleep and lots of tasty food. Tonight when I come home I will rest! I will not go anywhere, if someone wants to meet me, they have to come to my house. And if I fall asleep, waking me up is not allowed. Monday I was hanging out with my ex-roomie, we had dinner and talked a lot.. Yesterday I went out for dinner with a friend of mine. I think I have had my share of fish now, dont think I need it for a few weeks. Next step will be eating a lot of meat. Funny how I have been craving fish but not meat. Those who know me, knows that I hardly eat fish and am one of the biggest meatlover..
Anyway, I met one of my friends last night when I was out, he is getting married in a few days, so I wish him a happy wedding and married life! The place I went to they played the most awesome music, I cant believe dancing is not allowed here, when the music is soooo good! Not OK!
And my Saturday
After coming home, on Saturday morning I did all the things I needed to do that I dont have time for otherwise, food shopping, laundry, going to the parlour and other things. I also sat outside in the sun, drinking juice and reading a book - heaven! I ordered lunch from outside, very cheap lunch, and I learned my lesson once again, dont eat in too cheap places. I got some stomach pain afterwards, but it got even worse in the night. Right now I am okay but lets see what happens later on.
I went out with the italian maffia, since they are now back in India again. Not that they want to, all they do is complain about it. They hate being here, kind of atleast, and I am so jealous of them, having good jobs and an opportunity to stay in India for a long time. Well we went to the Ives party in Chancery Pavillion. The Ives party is also known as the expatparties. I actually met 2 swedish people, which like almost never happens. Now I will tell you how small this city is. The girl I meet is the sister of the owner to the company where Juliya is going to work. Juliya is going to live in the same house as this girl.
I meet some long lost friends in the party. What I love about going out is that you get to know all kinds of people that in the future can be very helpful. You never know what kind of people you will meet. And also, since this city is very small, you get to know gossip about people you know. I keep asking everyone about this and this person, and I always get some kind of information that I didnt know before.. After the party I went to a friends house for an afterparty. I dont know why I always go, I dont like afterparties. Well, I went, and I actually did have fun. I meet some more people from Europe (I forgot which country) and kept talking for some time. I was standing outside, on the balcony. From there I saw an autodriver, and I, like I always do, asked if I could drive his auto. We bargained for some time, I dont understand why he wanted me to pay to drive him home? And we didnt agree on the price, since I didnt want to pay anything. So we stoped talking. And then before I knew it, the autodriver was in our afterparty. Haha, like I said before, you never know what kind of people you will meet in parties..
I came home little after one and then had one of those nights from hell, due to the stupid, cheap food. Now it is better, but still not all well...
My Friday
No Internet at home and a non functioning blog otherwise is the reason I havent written for a few days. I had a lovely Friday. I came home early from office and I went straight for some shopping. Although I didnt find anything I liked, it was nice relaxing time.. The best thing I found was a bottle of Rose wine and a Mcflurry. Can you believe that Mcflurry just came to India. Like not even one month old I think. How long have we had it in Sweden? 7 years? 10 years? Anyway, atleast it is here, and it is very tasty!
I spent the evening in Ice-bar situated in Taj hotel on MG Road. I went with some off my friends, one of them who has an internal bleeding and is wearing a cast! I called him a woman since it is only an internal bleeding. Maybe we had some misscommunication there... Well, since Ice-bar has dancing allowed, and so it is very crowded, we had to sit away from all the people because my friend cant jump around on his crutches. So I kind of missed the party, but I still had a good time. And I still meet a few people when I sneaked away to the bathroom.
After the party we went to the one midnight-open restaurant and bought lots of food to take home. Including icecream that I couldnt stop talking about. Of course it wasnt as good as it is in Sweden, but it was still okay. I cant believe it but we stayed up til after 4 am in the morning. We were playing some Swedish games and we just kept talking a lot.
Rise and Shine
I feel sorry for all the smaller places, because the license is very costly for them, and most probably they cant afford it, so the business is going very bad these days. The Indian government is actually making them loose business, and it is a legimit business, its nothing illegal. Well, enough said about this.
Today I will be working early and that also means I will get off early. And Saturday I am off, so it will feel like I have a long weekend. Hopefully I can do some tanning, I feel that I need it. But lets see, my days always tends to be very very hectic, even without any plans...
Lovely dinner
Yesterday I was awake for 22 hours. I didnt even realise it was so many hours, but I started feeling very tired in the night and then I understood why. I went out for dinner last night with some friends, we went to UB City and a Italian restaurant there. I had the best food, it was like having food from home. Two glasses of good white wine, grilled Norweigan salmon, and Cheesecake for dessert. Oh, it was so lovely! I even ate half off a king prawn. But I must say prawns are little scary to eat. It tastes like fish but the consistency is like meat. I think it will take some time for me to learn how to eat prawns.
After the dinner we just went home, talked for some time, watched some tv-shows and then I got a drop back home. It was a nice evening, better than just staying at home atleast. My ex-roomie is so busy these days so we hardly have the time to meet anymore.. Anyways, I am off to work, as usual. No staying at home, chilling for me.. And tonight I will go to my Loveshack. Hope it will be a good evening, but lets see..
♥ My Love India
India is not doing what I want her to do. She is messing with me and I do not like it. Right now I am in a place where anything can happen, I will not know until the end. I know you dont know what I am talking about. No one can know right now. The few people that actually do know, please pray for me! You know what I want...
Early night
Tomorrow I have a very, very early shift, so I think it is best for me to go to bed soon. I will watch some movie til I fall asleep.. My day in office was different, will tell you about it in a few days, its something funny! So have a good night everyone, and sweet dreams!
More party pictures
I promised one of my friends not to post these pictures before the 10th, since he was having an exhibition this weekend. He took a lot of pictures from this night, two Sundays ago, and I still havent got them all. I only took the ones where I was present. I guess there are a few more hundreds of them..
Me and my roommate
The photagrapher kept taking my pictures all the time. I got little tired after som time..
I am quite impressed by this guy in white. He is the General Manager by the age of 27 (started when he was 26). Where will he be when he is 35? Some people are just born to have great jobs and careers I guess.. Althought he works very much, so it is not that easy...
Why do I attract so many weirdos?
I met an american guy last night in Ice bar that thought, since I am white and he was also white, we were friends. He passed me and I was talking to someone, when I didnt say hi to him he got a offended, since we were 'buddies". I did not agree to that. Well we started talking, I didnt really have a choice, he kind of forced me to talk to him. I know you cant do that, but since I am a really nice person (yes, that is true. I am not rude, at all), I had to talk to him. It was his last night in India so he wanted me to come to his hotelroom and help him pack.
Well we all know that wasnt what he meant. And he asked me many, many times.. I told him if it was so important to get some help with the packing he could ask some of the staff that was working in the hotel. Then he left. I really dont know how I attract all the weirdos. Roomie tells me that all the time, and she came to the conclusion that weirdos attracts weirdos. But when I enlightend her that I attracted her, she said it didnt apply for her. Because she is not a weirdo, obviously!
Am thinking of going to Loveshack tonight. It would have been an obvious choice, but since something happend in office and I have to stay til late evening, I am not sure if I will be up for it. I do like Sundays there, you just chill and have some nice food, talk a little with cool people and listen to some really good music. I really want to have some nice music. Everyday in office I have to listen to the same bloody CD, over and over and over. I am so tired off it by now, after 2 months I almost know it by heart..
Dreaming of December
Some days, when I am out of my mind I guess, I do miss the Swedish winter. It would be nice to have some real cold weather with lots and lots of snow. I am so warm here all the time, I am sweating in office and when I am out during the day. But as soon as it is night here I do complain that it is too cold (maybe around 15 degrees) and that I have to wear a stole or a sweater over my dress... After all I do prefer wearing a dress in the winter over those thick jackets.

Me in the newspaper
I might be going to Ice-bar...
Oh, I am so disapointed. I got off early today, 3pm so I wanted to have a party that started at 4. Just imagine, sitting around friends, outside in the sun, sipping a glas of wine, talking, laughing, listening to music, dancing.... And then, late in the evening go to a nightclub and dance even more. But noooo, I am still home at 7.30 pm, without company because they are apparently doing more important things than hanging out with me in an awesome houseparty. Now, the partynight will be so short again, as usual! Stupid company I have tonight!
If the party is not good tonight, I think I am going to cry! I was so looking forward for a nice, long evening. Now it isnt long, but if it isnt nice either it will kill me. And you people know who I mean! I know you will read this..
Early morning
These days I am waking up at 5ish am. But it is totally worth it because I get off at 3ish pm and it is so nice to get home early, when there is still some sunshine, or rain, and when there is no rush in the traffic. More early mornings for me please, Roushan! The only bad thing is that there is no good bus for me. Today I was lucky, my bus that I usually takes were early, so I could go directly to office, otherwise I have to take 2 buses or one bus and auto. All my problems will be solved if/when I get a scooter... I know I keep writing so much about this scooter, but I really, really want one. I am just waiting for some of my bikerfriends to come back to Bangalore, and then they will help me find a good one..
Last night was spent at home. The night before I only sleept for 4 hours because some of my friends kept calling and texting me so I couldnt fall asleep, so this night I got the sleept that I needed. It was also a sad night, I finished my Grillchips! Now I regret that I didnt brought more from Sweden when I was there.. The only Swedish stuff I have left now is one Marabou milkchocolate, Djungelvral and a little, very litttle losgodis.
Food that I am missing at the moment, in this order:
1. Arlas red milk
2. Krossad chocklad glass (The best Ice cream in the world!)
3. Grillchips
4. Pizza
5. Grilled salmon with potatosalad, creme fraiche dipp med rod lok och dill
6. A good steak
7. Hamburger
8. Tacos (But I have it here, I am just to lazy to cook my own food now that I have a few personal cooks in office)
The ride back home from TGIF
Oh, it is so much fun driving these ones. I want my own now! My colleague and teacher Glenn, was quite scared behind me and he never let me drive it alone. He had his hands over mine just in case something would happen.. Well it was good, because I am not a very good driver yet. I think I need a few classes atleast, before I can drive in this mad indian traffic. The helmet I am wearing is so big, I couldnt drive to fast because then it just blew off my head, hehe..
Today there is a holiday in India called Dussehra. It is the festival of victory of good over evil. Long story short, The good God Rama killed the demon Ravana who kidnapped Rama's wife Sita, and brought her to Lanka (Now known as Sri Lanka). The evil God Ravana had was very intelligent, and had many qualities (if I am not wrong) so he is said to have nine extra heads. If you see pictures of him, you will see all the ten heads. They all represent his different qualities (again, if I am not wrong).
1. Lust
2. Anger
3. Delusion
4. Greed
5. Over pride
6. Jealousy
7. Mind
8. Intellect
9. Will
10. Ego
So with this said, I want everyone to know that almost everyone in my office is off. Only me and a few others are here, all the other IT companies are off. There is no one in the hotel, a few came for lunch. No phonecalls, no nothing.. On top of this, I have to work for 12 hours, and I had a very bad nights sleep. It feels like I was up all night. I think I was little scared of being alone in the reception today, it was the first day for me...
Time for work
Now I am off for a long shift at work.. I dont have the time to write now, since I kind of overslept.. So I will write more in the evening.. Til then, have a great day!
Loveshack tonight ♥
There is no other place I rather be.
If you wanna meet me, you know where you will find me.
I am off for some shopping
I cant believe I slept for 12 hours this night. I didnt know I was this tired, but apparently I was. When I woke up, I went outside to sit on the terrace for some time. But I left the door open so our 4 wild puppies came running after me, I didnt have that much relaxation after that. So far I have just taken it easy, not stressed at all. I had my lunch some time back, had a long shower and soon I will go for some shopping. I have found a really nice dress, I hope it is still there.
I have started to hate being alone. When ever I am off I am alone, since no one else is off on a weekday. And I feel like the lonliest person on earth! I know I am not, but I just hate not having anyone around me. I think I would go crazy if I didnt live in a house with other people now. I cant imagine coming home to an empty house every day. It just doesnt work for me these days.
Me an my puppy
I had some lovely times with my puppy back home in Sweden. Here we are out for a barbeque. Yes, a barbeque eventhough it is winter. It looks like we are making out in this picture, maybe we were I dont remember...
I wonder,
Which direction should I take?
Should I continue?
Or should I start something new?
Should I listen to my heart?
Or should I listen to my mind?
What do I want to get out of life?
It should be an easy choice.
I want to be a tourist
I miss the days when I was a student. Not that I want to study again, absolutely not! I am completely done with that part of my life. But I had a pretty good life then. I went to school sometimes, I had lots of freetime, I travelled a lot compared to now, and I got money for doing almost nothing. Now I am working a lot and I dont have the time to travel. I saw the pictures from Taj Mahal yesterday, for the first time in long, and I realised how much I miss travelling. I wanna see so many more places here in India, but right now I just cant. I havent had a proper leave for a long time, I mean a paid leave. I have been without work and lots of freetime, but I didnt have the money then.
I want to go somewhere with friends, behave like a tourist again, see lots of places and take a lot of pictures. Experience new things for the first time. I want to sit up late, drink some wine, and not having to worry about work the next day. Why doesnt anyone give me a good job? Yesterday someone wanted to give me a beer bar, a bar that I could run however I wanted to. That was a very generous offer, but I dont think I can do that. I have never run anything in my life before.. All I want to do is have a job that pays me enough and give me enough free time so I can start being a tourist again....
Me in 2008

The lovely Taj Mahal, a must see in India

Life as I know it

I miss being a tourist

Happy in Jaipur
I have no energy left
I needed a break for some time, thats why I didnt write til now. Somedays you just have a really bad day and all you want to do is just lie in bed all day. My day wasnt like that. But I still wanted to lie in bed all day.. Working six days a week is kind of killing me! Not that I have that heavy workload, but you never get the time to relax. As soon as you feel a little relaxed it is time to work again. And I try to do so many things after work, that I hardly have the time to rest. I dont want to be such a boring person that all I do is work and sleep. So then I skip my sleep, which of course result in a tired Sara... And you can do that for some time before you just collapse and sleep, sleep, sleep. I dont have the time to go to the gym anymore, I dont have the time to cook my own food, I dont have the time to paint my nails, I dont have the time to meet everyone I want to, I dont have the time to sleep.
So many times I have heard people saying "I wish there were more hours in one day" and I never understood why! I wanted shorter days because I couldnt fill my days with enough activities. But now I understand completely. I wish the day had 34 hours instead of 24.
A perfect date
First we went for one of my favourite restaurants, Chandni Chowk, that is very close to my house. They have really awesome indian food here, I love everything they serve me. I had some really good chicken, I ate til I almost felt like getting it all up again, and still there were food over. So I got myself a doggybag.. After the dinner we went home for some time and just sleept off in the sofa.
We did save the desert for later. We took the car and went to a place where I have wanted to go for so long. This chain has been in a mall very, very far from my place, so I have never gone. But recently they opened one in Koramangala, where I live. So finally I went here. It took me forever to choose something from the menu, it was so much to choose from.. Next time I am going on a date, I could think of going to this place again...
My date for the night was my x-roomie by the way
Happy birthday Gandhi ji
Today is the famous Mahatma Gandhi's birtday. In India todau is a national holiday, unfortunately I am stuck in office.. But it is okay, not much to do anyway..
Miss Sweden, Sugar, Blondie, Golden, Beta (Hindi word). These are a few of the nicknames I have got here. And I must say.... I just love getting these kind of nicknames. My favourite is Miss Sweden, it sounds like I am a model then, hehe. I like when people are creative. Compliments like I love your eyes, and your smile is so gorgeous people tell me all the time. So whenever I hear that I just respond with a "Thank you, I know" (Haha, I sound so rude. I am not. Really. I mean, I do say thank you!). When people (okay, guys) tell me something I never heard before or do something unusual, they get my attention. Otherwise, they are just anyone among everyone, and there are so many anyone's here. I wish there were a few more special ones...
Early morning
Today Juliya is leaving for India ♥. I hope she has a very good flight! She is not coming to Bangalore though, I have to wait some more days to see her.. She is going straight to Goa for some vacation, and I am very jealous.. I also need some relaxing and tanning on the beach, but I know I will go there one day, when I can take some time off from work.
Last night after work, I went to TGIF with some of my colleagues. I drank some lovely chocolate milkshakes, I should always drink that when I go out, I dont know why I never thought of that.. From now on, it will be milkshakes for me.. The best part of the night (sorry, it was fun in TGIF also) was the ride back home. One of my colleagues, Glenn, has a scooter and he was nice enough to let me drive home! Haha, I had so much fun, I love driving it. Although I think Glenn was little scared, he had his hands over mine the whole ride.. He said he would teach me more, and I hope he will.. I think I need some more classes before I buy my own and start driving in rush traffic. Last night there was hardly any cars outside.
My colleagues went for an afterparty, I drove myself home because I had a very early shift today, 8 am in the bloody morning! But its fine, I managed to get up, after snoozing for a loooooong time..
Signature Fashion party in Taj Vivanta
My camera sucks! It is impossible to take good pictures when it is dark. So due to that fact, I will not show any pictures from the fashion party last night. But it was very good. It was a brittish designer Christian Blanken, who had the show and he had very nice clothes. Actually there were a few more shows, but since we had to pick up 3 indian girls before we went (it took a loooooooong time) we missed all of them. The ambiance was also very nice, very brittish in coulors.. After the fashion show, there was a party, of course, and after a very, very long time I had a glass of Rosé vine.. It was so tasty, I have wanted to have it for so long, but wasnt sure they had it here in India. They also served some snack food, and I ate some lovely fish and some lovely paneer.
After the party, we were supposed to go for an afterparty, but then a friends friend called and apparently she had been hit by a guy. So we went to the place where she worked, to pick her up. But then her colleagues didnt want to let her go, so we had a fight, my friends wanted to call both the cops and the media, but after some time they gave in, and we could pick up the friend. So after this incident no one wanted to go for a party, so my friend dropped me home in his Audi TT..