Fashion party awaits
Finally, a fight!
After such a long time, I have had a fight. And I kind of loved it eventhough I act like I am so angry, irritated and hate it. Me and Elin was out yesterday, doing some last minute shopping for her. We went to a mall called Garruda, and after that she wanted to go to a place called Safina Plaza. Once we came out of the mall, we asked the auto people where it was, we thought we could walk. After asking a few of them, we realised it was quite far so we decided to take an auto.
One of them said, I will take you there, for only 20 rupiees. And despite my better judgement, eventhough I know better, I sat in his auto. But in the back of my head, I knew what was going to happen. I have been in this situation before. As soon as I heard his "I will take you there for only 20 rupiees" I knew he was going to take us somewhere else. I knew I was going to have a fight with him. Was that the reason why I chose his auto? I wonder now.
It didnt take many minutes before he said "On the parallel road, my friend has a very nice handicraft shop". I said "Okay, dont take the parallel road, just take us straight to Safina Plaza". He kept quiet. I didnt. I said "If you take us to any other shop, I am not going out of the auto. I will sit here til you take me to Safina Plaza". He chose not to listen to me. After some time, he took out a map and asked if we wanted to do some sightseeing. We said no! And after some time again, he said "this is my friends shop, please come and have a look". I said "NO! Take me to Safina Plaza!" I saw how he got little sad. He kept driving, and he kept talking. He still wanted us to go to another of his friends shop and we still said no.
He now started saying that Safina Plaza is an expensive place, we should go somewhere else instead. And before we knew it, he had stopped outside a mall, and said "This is Safina Plaza". I looked at it, and on the roof it said "Gems Plaza". I looked at him and said "I am not stupid, take me to where I want to go" He kept insisting that it was the same "Gems plaza, Safina Plaza, it is the same". I ran out of the auto, asked the guards if it was the same place, of course he said no and pointed the location of the other mall. I told the autoguy and by now I was angry. I yelled at him, I told him to take me to my destination! "If I want to go to Safina, I will go to Safina and not Gems Plaza. If I want to go to Delhi, I will go to Delhi, not to Goa. If I want to go to Sweden I will go to Sweden and not to India"! He was angry back and said that there is nothing in Safina Plaza and I dont understand that! We argued for some minutes before he took us again. But it took a lot of effort!
He refused to take us to the entrance of the mall, and when I turned my back on him to walk inside, he said something to me in Kannada (local language), I turned to him and yelled at him that he doesnt have to abuse me in his language because I can understand him perfectly fine (lie) and I can also abuse him in my own language (true)! We left, gave him the 20 rupiees (the route he took would have cost us atleast 40 rupiees, we didnt go to any of the shops he wanted us to go. I am pretty sure he hated our guts! I hope he learned a lesson, dont mess with the foreigners).
Eventhough I was so angry with him, inside I was smiling and jumping of joy! After such a long time, I had a big fight with someone! I loved it ♥
Wanna see me in sari?

Draping. I have no idea how to do this. And he didnt know how to do it the sexy way.
So I have to find someone that can...

Im in love with this sari. I really want it! It came in blue also, but the colour wasnt that strong so this one was much nicer. I will put this on my "I - want - to - have - list". And yes, it is very heavy with all the stones, but it is so worth it.
Loooong day
I was out with my friend Elin today. Its her last day in India, tomorrow she is leaving for Thailand so we were out doing some shopping and eating. She doesnt like Indian food that much, so for her last dinner she wanted..... PIZZA HUT! Haha, she is little weird. We were out the whole day I tried on a beautiful sari, I fell in love with it! It was really, really awesome! I wanted to have it for my friends wedding in December, but it was little too costly, it was even more costly than the budget I have for my scooter, hehe.. So I guess I have to find another one.. But it will be hard to find one better than this..
We went in to a store today where you could make your own parfume! Or not really make your own, all you could do was to choose a fragrance, like saffron or musk or something like that, and then get it in a small bottle. We tried on a lot of different parfumes, later on we went to another store to find me a normal perfume, so now I have so many fragrances on me, but I sure do smell lovely! In the same store where we could make our own perfume, we thought we saw some scarfs. Elin asked if they had it, they looked at her and said; "For you? No. Only for Arabic people."
Hehe, apparently it was this kind of scarf the women wear to cover their head. It was not for us, according to the men in the shop...
Last Wednesday night

Rahuls birthday party
The Indian way
Hihi, my hands...
I had an awesome night, thanks Rahul for a very lovely party
Am I the best dancer or what?!

Some poor guy had to stand and dance without his crutch...
Not working..
From one to seven
One day when I came home I realised that we didnt have only one puppy anymore, we had 7! And they had been there for quite some time. I think it is time for me to stay home sometime, and not be this busy. I dont even know what happens in my own house anymore.
So tonight is Loveshack again, tomorrow is my day off and I will meet up Elin to have some last time shopping with her before she leaves for her next adventure on Friday - Thailand! I am little jealous, but only a little. I do love living in India, and right now I dont think I want to move anywhere.. Well it depends on which kind of job it would be and in which country.. Like if it was taking care of dolphins with a great salary in Mauritius (Is there any dolphins there) I would not say no.
Not a good morning
I had a very bad morning. I woke up, and I was so sweaty. The fan was off, which means there was a powercut. Again. You have no idea how many powercuts it has been for the last couple of days. Apparently there is not enough chole to produce power to out state. The whole Bangalore suffers from these powercuts. So for one hour there was no power and I couldnt have my shower because of that.
When the power finally was back, I was little irritated because I didnt have time to do what I always do in the mornings. Facebook, blog, newspaper etc. So once I was ready I left the house, listened to some music to get in a happier mood. It helped a little. I came to the bus stop, saw my bus, waved for it to stop - and he ignored me! Sometimes when the buses are really crowded it happens, but this one was completely empty. The next bus was just right behind so I thought that he would stop for me. But he ignored me also! I got super pissed! The buses always stops for me! I got so angry that I felt like throwing a stone at the bus. I really need to take an anger management course.. These small things irritate me so much..
When the third bus came I was standing in the middle of the road so it was impossible for him to ignore me, or he would have ran over me. When I jumped on to the bus I got an angry look from the driver and I gave an even angrier look back! We have a huge communication gap, so thats why I stoped by just giving him an angry look.
Sweet dreams
So goodnight all, see you tomorrow
I like baking

And this is the best part about baking
It is never too cold for an ice cream

My Diesel is the best

Why am I not getting letters like this anymore? Some random guy threw this letter inside my auto once when I was in Mumbai. Poor guy, I never called him. Eventhough he said pls, pls, pls call me once...
Swedish winter in pictures
It looks lovely, doesnt it? I miss the Swedish winter right now ♥
Hehe, nice sister...
Yes my nose is very red, but thats what happens when it is bloody cold outside
What do you want from me?
Who am I here?
I am just a girl like anyone else, I am nothing extraordinary or special, I am just one among everyone. But still, some people wants to meet me so badly. People lie, hide and make up things to get to know me or to just meet me. People try so hard to get my attention, to get me to like them.
Married men, engaged men, men in a relationsship, young boys, older men, men lying about their age, men lying about their business, men lying about their money, men lying about where they are from, men lying to gain money or business... All of them wanted something from me. What is the need of lying or hiding fact? I dont understand. Eventually the truth will come out, it always does. The sadest part is, when I am questioning the men, I get shit! I didnt do anything wrong, you did. And you know that! So why get angry with me?
I am kind of loosing faith in men, relationships and marriage when I am here. It doesnt seem to mean a lot, which makes me little sad. Where are all the honest people? It is so hard to trust people, you never know who will be trustworthy and who will just be a lying piece of shit.
My friend´s birthday party in 2010
Sunday party
There was not only one birthday party in Loveshack last night, it was three! Guess how much cake I ate! As soon as the first cake came (shaped as a bottle of champagne and it tasted so lovely) I was there to get my share of the cake. When the second cake came (4 storey cake, with lots of chocolate) I was there to have my share of the cake again. When the third cake came (the tiniest cake I have ever seen) it was so small that I would have been ashamed if I had a piece of it, because it would not have been enough for the others then...
The night was really awesome, I brought my roommate and we met a lot of people.. I danced a lot, eventhough it is not allowed (yes, I broke the law! But these stupid rules are ment to be broken). I guess that happend just because of the General managers birthday. Music was awesome, some kind of minimal techno that I started to like. It is very danceable music. Anyway, the party was little longer than usual, most of the people left around 12! After that me and some friends went for an afterparty, not as awesome as the one the other night, but it was still very good!
The photographer of the night took like 500 pics of me, so as soon as I get some of them I will post them here.
I love beeing seen
I found myself in the newspaper here. I remember that I pushed away everyone that wanted to be in the pic with me. Haha, I just wanted to be in the center of attention, as usual these days...
Indian accent? Me? Noooooo
Ok, once and for all please tell me.. Do I have an indian accent?
It only happens with Rahul
So, like I have said before, sometimes when I am lucky I have a complimentary drop by the name of Rahul. When we finish our shifts at the same time, he is always nice enough to take me home on his bike. We live pretty close to each other, so that is great. Do you remember the last incident that I wrote about? Where the silencer fell off, and I was the one who fixed it? So I thought now nothing can happen again. But I was so wrong.
I was sitting behind him, enjoying the ride and that I didnt have to take the bus for once. All of a sudden I hear a "Oh no!" and I feel how he turns off the bike. I ask him what the problem is, and he says he forgot to put gas this morning! I, who always think that people are smart and not so forgetful, thought he was joking. It turned out he was not joking. So there we were, on his bike with no gas, in the middle of the long flyover.
Do you remember The Flintsones movie? Where they start and stop their car with their feet? That was kind of how it looked like, except we were on a bike, not in a car. We had speed for some time, the road was straight so we could go little further, but then the bike stopped completely. After some shaking the bike and what I think was some luck from God (Thanks Rahul for going to the temple and all) the bike started again. We drove to the closest petrolbunk, towards traffic, and he filled the tank. I am lucky I got home once again.
Lets see what happens next time I go home with Rahul....
Fancy cars, fancy parties
I left office late last night. Usually I dont mind that much, but if I have plans it makes me irritated when I cant leave on time. So I was supposed to go for Viren Khanna's Bollywood party in Chancey Pavillion, but since I got home very late there was no point in going since it is little far and it always closes 11.30 pm. So I thought I would just stay at home, but then a friend of mine called me and said we were going for an awesome party at 11pm so I needed to get ready asap, since here friend was there to pick me up.
I did what she told me, and I was ready in a few minutes. Her friend, Raghu, picked me up in his very fancy car. We met his friend, in an even fancier car, for a quick ice-cream before they took me to Taj West End's Ballroom for a private party. Dancing was allowed, but we came so late, so they were about to close. From there we took all the fancy cars for the fancy afterparty! The flat was amazing! The lift came straight into the hall, and when you entered the livingroom it was out of this world! One of the nicest house in Bangalore, apparently this house had som award for that. There was a dancefloor, a bar, an outside terrace. The guy in the house had rented a bartender for the night and a DJ as well. It was really an amazing party, with very high class people. I had a lot of fun. The best part - They served Absolut Vodka (Yes, that is how patriotic I am these days).
I missed like half of the party though because I was out on the balcony having an anger management course and a massage... So now some of my frustration is gone.. We left around 3 am I think, fell asleep around 4 and sleept for 3 hours. Today I am dead tired, but it was absolutely worth it! I would do it tonight again for sure.. Stupid me forgot to take any pictures from the party, I only have stupid once from the car on our way back home..
Tonight I am going to Loveshack for the General Managers birthday party. Dont ask me why he is having his party in his workplace, but I am not complaining, I love my Loveshack.
I love to hate it. Or do I hate to love it?
I took the bus to office this morning, like I always do. Today it wasnt very crowded, I got my own seat without having to fight for it. I sat down, and I felt someone looking at me. I turned my head and I saw a man sitting opposit to me, doing nothing but staring at me. I stared back. But he didnt stop. So I turned my back against him and ignored him as much as I could.
I both love and hate the attention I am getting here.
I hate it when I am busy with something and someone tries to have a useless conversation with me.
I hate when I am having an ugly day and people dont stop looking at me.
I hate that I cant go somewhere without beeing noticed.
I hate when people talk about me in their own language, point, smile and laugh at me.
I love the attention I get when I am in a good mood, properly dressed and look good.
I love when people approach me in parties and give me compliments.
I love that it is so easy for me to get contact with people here.
I love that I can easily be in the center of attention.
I love that I am different.
Bad times to own your own nightclub
Cop notice stops party scene in its tracks
A new police notice bars loud music, bright lights and alcohol
Party-goers have never had it so hard in Bangalore. It’s bad enough that night life in the city is practically non-existent. Even the little that we have is fraught with so many restrictions.
A recent notice sent by the Indiranagar police to various lounge bars and restaurants that come under their purview has warned these establishments that they cannot be too brightly lit, play loud music or have their patrons spilling out onto the streets.
The notice in Kannada, a copy of which is available with Bangalore Times, sent out on September 18, and when translated indicates: We (the police), would like to inform you that your bar and restaurant is lit with harsh and unusual lights, is playing loud pop music and the people who’ve had alcohol from your shop and misbehave on the streets are disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood. This has come to our notice. If this continues, henceforth we will be taking strict action and the matter will be taken up with authorities to seek cancellation of your operating licence.”
The establishments that received the said notice have licences to play music and to have people partying on the premises. But in recent weeks, the Central Crime Branch has been raiding every place in Bangalore that has even a square inch of space to dance, in response to the Police Order 2005, which bans live bands. Insiders say that the police has used the term ‘live bands’ to bring all forms of dancing and music under its domain, when it was actually meant to affect only places that run dance bars. To this effect, now most places in Bangalore have been raided and sent notices to stop all kinds of live music playing, including DJs and actual live acts from inside and outside the country.
This comes as a big blow to the music industry — musicians, DJs and business establishments that promote live acts — as it will now have to move to the backburner. An owner of a popular lounge bar on 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar, says he has cancelled all live acts at his place. “I have stopped all kinds of music
being played at my lounge bar, including live acts and DJs. We have been asked (by the police) to play only soft music recorded on a CD. My regular patrons are very upset about this decision. We are currently deliberating on a strategy to overcome this situation. As of now, we have to abide by the sent notification,” said the owner who did not want to be named.
Currently, only a couple of establishments in Indiranagar have received the notice. The rest are relying on word-of-mouth information and are playing it safe.
And with only six places legally allowed to conduct parties in the city, people are thronging these venues. When BT visited two star hotels with a discotheque attached last weekend, there were over 1,000
guests vying to get in at both places. The queue outside the discotheques extended all the way to the parking lot.
Also, DJs in the city, who had hitherto been sending SMSes to regular party-goers, have now started to add another line to their texts — “It is safe to come and it is legal” — in an effort to draw patrons to the venue and assure them of non-interference from the law.
This ruling is hard on DJs. We are suffering because of it. We are hard-working people trying to earn a living. At this rate, we will either have to find alternative careers or move to other cities. This is very disappointing for us.
—– DJ Rohan
Owing to the many raids that have been taking place on a regular basis, party-goers are now apprehensive about going out to party. Many cite fear of harassment from the police and the sheer embarrassment they face thereafter. Talking about a recent raid, Suchita S says: “My friends were traumatized after they were rounded up by cops. It seemed as though it was a criminal offence to party in a club. I would not want to be subjected to such treatment.”
The S-gang
A few nights ago, I was out with some new friends of mine, it was Sara, Stu, Su, Sudhir, Sandy, Soe.. You see the pattern? It took me so long (two days) to remember all the names and who were who.
Yesterday I stayed in office 2 hours, just to get a ride back home to town. And also to meet up a friend. Me, my colleague and the friend went to a place called Legends of Rock, it is really close to my house. They had some drinks and food, and then later one of my friends picked me up and took me to Loveshack. As soon as I entered the place, I was kind of attaced my people I know, and hardly know.. It feels good to be recognised and kind of popular ;)
I had a nice time, it was nice that it wasnt so many people out, you had time to talk and walk around properly. Tomorrow is my friends birtday party in Loveshack. I should buy him a small gift, but I have no idea what to gift him..
Who to trust?
It is so hard to trust people here. People that seems nice and genuine, is often not. I should stop giving my number to people. I have stoped doing that a lot, but now I need to stop even more. Its not really about trusting people, its about getting people after you, people that you dont want to have running... Someone might pretend to be your friend or someone in need, just to get your number and then call or text things you rather dont want to hear.. Anyway, its not a big issue, just something I was thinking about now in the evening, when some random guy started texting me..
Friday night
Finally after 26 years I got to know my blood group. I am A positive! It feels like a good blood group, it fits me perfectly. I am A postive girl these days.. So if something ever happens to me and I need blood, everyone can now inform the doctors about my blood group right away.. The test result from that day in the hospital came back today, I am "fit for work"!
So today, for the first time in a very long time I dont have any plans. I dont know what to do tonight, I guess that is why I am still in office eventhough my shift is over.. That never happens otherwise. But I cant just stay home on Friday night, lets see what I will plan for the evening..
India is 20 years behind Sweden in fashion
I tried so hard to find something to shop today. I really did, I tried on everything that was slightly interesting, but nothing was good enough. Missfitted or just really ugly. I wanted to buy a pair of shoes, since I dont have that many here in India, but I couldnt find a single pair that I liked. What is wrong with the western fashion here in India. I am sure they know what they are doing when it comes to the Indian fashion, but the western... My God! You have to look so much to find something good. I really miss not having H&M and Gina Tricot here. Right now I am just stuck with all the old clothes I brought from Sweden, I just dont find something new... No offense all you indians, but the fashion you have here is like 20 years behind the fashion we have in Sweden right now. Thats the reason I have so much trouble finding something I like. But it is okay, because you just recently started with western clothes, obviously you cant be as advanced as a country that always had that kind of clothes. I will wear my swedish clothes til they are worn out, til then, you will not find me in the fashion that exists here...
I thought I would be in heaven by now
But I hardly crossed the street. Oh, I was so hungry and I went to a restaurant to have a beef hamburger (so I thought), but when the food came it was a sizzler. A hamburger stake, not a hamburger with the buns and stuff. I was so dissappointed, I still ate it of course but it wasnt as good as I had imagined it to be...
A picture from outside the restaurant, hehe..
My new accessory
Haha, I wanted to show how tiny this puppy is, but you cant see that.. She looks really big. The thing is that she can almost fit in my palm, and she weights less than 1 kg. Am I so tiny, that the puppy looks this big?

Chilling Thursday
In India you are apparently rich if you own 200 cows. Did I miss something? Are we rich in Sweden too if we have 200 cows? I don’t think so, please enlighten me. I met one Bihari guy last night, we were talking about his businesses and stuff, and I asked him how he could afford what he was doing right now. "Oh, we have 200 cows back home." I thought he was joking first, but apparently they supplied milk to almost the whole state, so if no one else is doing that, I guess you earn decent money.
I had a very lovely night in Loveshack. As usual I was walking around meeting lots of people, ate some good food and I almost sang too (I was talking to the Karaoke DJ). Finally, yesterday my goal came true. I was the last person that left the club! I have been waiting for so long to see everyone leave, and me be there with all the staff, and yesterday the General Manager did let me, Thanks Rahul! But it wasn’t that much fun though, I just did it so I didn’t have to wait for an after party outside. I went with the owner of Loveshack and the General Manager of Loveshack, to 2 sweet girls’ house in Koramangala. They had an awesome place, with 2 huuuuuuge roof terraces. We listened to music and the others were drinking the whole night. I think I was home around 4 am, I am lucky I don’t need to work today. Unfortunately for my colleague, that came with me; he has to, hehehe....
Loveshack, what else?
If you wanna meet me tonight, you better come to Loveshack! Thats where I will spend my night, til 11.30 pm atleast. I hope to see you all there. Lets sing and dance the night away.

This picture is from Pune 2008, from the Cafe Coffee Day just on the other side of the road from our old apartment.. I had such a lovely time in Pune, and I sometimes find myself wishing I was back.. 2008 was when I experienced India for the first time, and I did it with so many and lovely people. And I also meet a very special person... Lovely time!
Speaking of somehing completely else, I went for an afterparty sometime back, we were eating, talking and listening to music. It wass only indians and then me.. I got very surprised, and happy when I heard the song: Vill du ligga med mig da? By Erik Amarillo.. I asked my friend how she even knew about this Swedish song because I know she doesnt have any other Swedish friends...
I need my beautysleep now
I am so sleepy today! I was supposed to meet up a friend after work today, but I had to cancel. My energy is totally gone, I think it might be because I lost a lot of blood today. I will tell you the story.
My S%#?"# colleague Roushan forced me to go for a medical check up today (eventhough he hasnt done it himself!) I told him he better sleep with one eye open, I will kill him for this one day! So he sent me to the hospital, with a guy that is very sweet, but he doesnt speak a single word of english (thank you). We came, and we had to wait. We had to go to the first floor, then we had to go down. Then again we had to go to the first floor. They said they would collect some blood. And I told them No way in hell! They got very surprised and refered to the points mentioned by the company; Collecting blood, HIV test, urine test, stool test and X ray.
I told them; I am not going to sit in the waiting area and letting you take my blood here, among everyone. And if you are going to do it, you need to wash your hands after the previous person and use sanitiser. Oh, madam okay. You can lie down in the bed in this room. And I can use gloves. Yes thank you. So they sent me to a room. To my surprise (or who am I kidding, I am never surprised anymore) the room was not empty. A tiny room with 4 other people, plus me and my doctor. But its okay, its India, right? So I let them do their business, although I warned the doctor and I said, if you miss my bloodvein once, I am not letting you do it again! They didnt miss and they took a looooooot of blood.
When I had to do my urine and stool test they gave me two small plastic bottles. My face was a questionmark and I guess they saw that and asked what was wrong (this time). I asked them how they thought I would give the stool test. "Just put it in the bottle". Mmmmm, well, you know what, I dont think so! He said, okay you dont have to...
I had a few more complaints that I am not writing now because I am too tired. I think the staff really hated me, and were releived when I finally left, hehe! Something I really liked in this place was that everyone called the girls for sister. And all the males were called as brother.
Nothing to say
I think I might be busy in office today also.. Big boss is coming, so not much free time then.. I have made a schedule for one of my guests. He likes to party, so on Wednesday I will take him to Loveshack, as well as on Sunday. Saturday we will go to Skyebar, he said he wanted to see that nice place. On Friday I havent decided where to take him yet, I need to ask him what kind of places he likes..
Not much to write today.. Just have a nice day everyone
I am not pregnant
I swear! Is it only me that thinks I look pregnant in the previous photo? I am absolutely not. I am as skinny as always...
Im dancing in the rain
I hate the rain, really! I mean I come from a country where it rains too much, of course I am tired of it. And I now live in a country where it rarely rains, but when it rains it rains. And today it rains. It started on the bike back home from office. I was wearing so less clothes, and I started to get really cold. I was not dressed for the rain. When I got home I changed my clothes and jumped in to my boots. I love them! Its like it was a thing, something I never worn before! It was awesome to wear them here! Now when I just left roomies place, I was walking on the flooded streets and it was kind of heaven.. It was almost that I chose to walk home instead of being dropped in the car..
Busy, busy all day
Fun day in office today where there were things to do all the time. I thought I would have an evening in my place tonight, but plans just got changed. No party, I will have to go to a friends place.
Other than this, one of the repeat guests is back, and he wants us to take him out again. Apparently Wednesday and Sunday he wants to go to Loveshack, Saturday he wants to go to Skyebar. Maybe I should take him somewhere on Friday also, lets see what my colleagues says...
Sunday chilling
I forgot my camera last night, I was stressed when I left the house. One of my friend´s called me up and said, "Sara you have to come to my place! I have been talking so much about you to my friends and they are dying to meet you. My friend will pick you up in two minutes, be ready!" I had no choice, I had to go. Her friend came to pick me up and took me to Loveshack. It is a great place on Sundays, not so many people and very good music. I get a chance to talk to all the owners and staff, so it is nice. Her friends were two cricket players and one owner of a great club! Nice people. At the end of the night, one of these "fell in love with me" and I spent a long time explaining I am not interested in having a relationship or going out on a date so he can fall for me even more.. He didnt want to listen to me. Saying that you have a boyfriend doesnt help either, so I have stopped using that. I dont think anything helps, really...
Anyway, I was dancing to the awesome music with a friend of mine, they told us dancing was not allowed. We stopped and started again as soon as the guard turned his back. Well I should not complain, atleast there was some music this time.. The night ended early, and I had a good night sleep, before I woke up by the lady brooming outside my window, our puppies screaming and the little girl nextdoor calling for Kara-kaaaaaar (My roommate Kara).
Surprise! We have nice roads in India!
I really wonder how this road is. I have heard a rumour that there is a sign "Entry to Very nice road" but I havent seen that one yet, I dont know where it is.
I am becoming a pile of water...
I work for such a cheap company, that they dont let us use the AC if there is no guests around. And they dont let us wear less clothes, so even if I am just sitting, I am sweating my ass off! Great way to keep your staff happy and satisfied.. I hate people that are stupidly cheap!
So here I am, on a lovely Sunday, sweating away.. After work me and roomie is going for some treatments, maybe some facials or massages or something. We got some giftvouchers last night in the moviehall, worth 30 000 rupees, so lets see what we will do with all that money!
Our first date ♥
We have known each other for quite some time now, we have gotten along, we have become quite good friends. But now I was asked out for a date. And I felt I couldnt say no. We went for a movie, we were supposed to see a romantic movie, but it wasnt shown in the evening. It wasnt really a suitable movie for a date, but we enjoyed anyway. We were in good company. We both had popcorn and coke. We talked, we smiled and we laughed. I was cracking joke after joke, like always, and I think my date fell for me... Hopefully there will be a second date soon ♥
Me and my date
Sometimes, when I am lucky, I have a complimentary pick up and drop by the name of Rahul. When we work the same hours he always comes to pick me up and he also drops me home in the evening, since we live pretty close to each other. The other day, he drove very harshly and hit a stone so some pipe on the bike got loose (I have no idea what things on a bike are called). Anyway, we stopped by a mechanic and they fixed it. Or atleast so we thought. When we went back home in the night, I heard a weird sound and looked back, the whole pipe had fallen off! So we had to stop and Rahul and me had to pretend to be mechanics! Haha, it was actually little funny, and I had to try hard not to laugh....
Somehow I (yes, I!) got it back on, and we could drive back home again, although very slowly, scared that the pipe would fall off again. And I had to sit like a lady, like both legs on the same side, I was very scared and hold on to my driver the whole way!
I am just waiting for my colleague to come and then me and my ex roomie will go for a movie together.. A nice girls night out.. I think we need it, we have loads of problems to discuss... The movie we will see is called The Devil's double.. Its about Saddam Husseins son. I am sure it will be a good movie.
Have a nice Saturday evening everyone.
Why do I love India?
"Today I had to dodge a cow in traffic!"
I often get questions like "What do you love about India?" "How can you love India this much, just go back home!" But it is not that easy anymore. India has grown on me, and everyday I am happy that I live in India. There are so much love here, so much laughter, so much misery and so much happiness. Life in India is so different from the life I had in Sweden. No day is the other one alike. India is a very charming country. I think you either love it or hate it. It is so different, so exciting, so much colour, so much smells, so much crowd, so much love, so much happiness, so much beauty, so much poverty, so much richness, so much of everything!
When I was talking to my friend the other night, she was wondering why I love India so much. She thought I should go back to Sweden, it is so clean there, and traffic is so nice "Today I had to dodge a cow" The things she hates, are the tings I love and see as the charm of my beloved India (Okay, I confess, I dont always love the traffic and dirt).
India has taught me so much. She has taught me to be very independent, to take care of myself, to be patient, to not loose my temper over small issues (okay, I am still working hard on that point), to be happy with what I have, to appreciate life, to love, to enjoy, to love myself.
What happens in India stays in India?
I once had a saying, What happens in Pune, stays in Pune. I later changed it to, What happens in India, stays in India. But I was a kid back then (some people will say I still am) and I grew up (some people will laugh at that statement). I somehow feel that everyone has taken over this saying of mine. Because I have seen so much bullshit in this country and in this city of mine. And it is such bad things that I cant even tell you. What does friendship really mean here? What does relationships and marriage mean here? What does your own life mean?
I have seen so much lying and cheating and I hate it. It can be all from "Yes it costs 50 rupees" When it really costs 40, or "No I dont have a boyfriend" When she really does have a boyfriend. What is the point of lying to others? Does it make you happy? I doubt that. Maybe some instant happiness, but in the long run it doesnt make you happy, and it makes other people feel even worse. If you are not happy with what you have in your life, change it! If you dont want to marry that person, end it before it is to late! If you want your friend to be more than just a friend, work for it! Nothing comes easy in this life. Our lives are short, just make the most of it, try to be happy. Why would you not want to be happy everyday instead of maybe once a week, or once a month? True happiness is an indescribable feeling.
Try to live your life the way you want it to be. Make changes if you are not fully satisfied. It feels so good to be happy in your life. Be happy with yourself, you are the most important person in your life.
Not a happy morning
I hate working six days a week. And I hate working on Saturday and Sunday when all of my friends are off. It is useless working shifts, and having to wait for the other person to take over. You can never just finish your work and leave early. I dont want to have a job like this. I want some flexibility, I want to work 5 days a week, I want to be off on the weekends which is normal for me, I want to work for a company that is not cheap with money and staff, it is not okay letting your staff work for 12 hours per day and not give them more time off or more money.
Where is my dreamjob? I want to have it now!
Friday is here...
But there is no "Thank God its Friday" statement from me, because I work on the weekends so I hardly care if it is weekend or not..
I love the pictures from Loveshack. Or I think I just love seeing myself in pictures, hehe..
Me and Vishal
Himesh, me and sweet Zoe
No La Tomatina for Bangalore
I just read that the La Tomatina festival is cancelled. Spain can afford the festival, but not India... So all of you who planned on going need to make new plans now..
I am hurt
La tomatina in Bangalore
Did you ever hear about La tomatina? It is the famous festival celebrated in Spain, where you all throw tomatoes on each other.. It has now come to Bangalore and is held this Sunday, for the first time ever. There is an event on Facebook, and more than 54 000 people have said they are coming! The event is providing tomatoes, and DJ´s will also be there to play. It will be held in a huge area called Palace grounds, and there are entry fees for everyone who wants to participate.
So, the thing is that so many people are also against this festival, because in India there are so many people that can not even afford to buy tomatoes for eating, and now so many people just want to throw it away, when it instead could have been used for feeding a lot of people. The one good thing is that the event is claiming that some of the profit will go to NGO´s. But it is still a waste of a lot of food.
But I am sure that this festival will be a lot of fun. It is like the Indian festival Holi, where you throw colours at each other, but this time it is tomatoes. I will not attend this event. Mainly because I am working, but also because I dont see the point in celebrating a Spanish festival here in India. Why has it become so huge and popular here? Is it because of the hindi movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara? In that movie the are in Spain, celebrating the festival..
Why dont the Bollywood industrie make a movie in Sweden during Midsummer, maybe my festival would become so popular here in India that everyone wants to celebrate that one too!?
My two best friends

I could not live without you two ♥
Sweet dreams
I have been a good housewife today, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, shopping... When I was cooking I ran in to a rat in the house (second one, or is it the same one?), when I was cleaning I didnt see anything but a lot of dust, when I was shopping I met a bunch of weirdos. And when I was hanging my laundry outside, I came across this one! I got scared because it was really big. And when I was taking his picture, I was little scared that maybe he would jump and attack me. I didnt know what kind of spider this was, maybe he was superdangearous or something!
I wish I had my own auto

It would have been so awesome. So anyone nice out there, please gift me one ♥
Weird things in India
Traffic. And everything that happens in and around the term traffic.
The first thing;
Back home in Sweden, I put on my seatbelt, it is a habit. I dont even think twice before putting on my seatbelt. Why should I? I need to wear a seatbelt, end of story. So far so good.
In India, I put on my seatbelt, it is a habit. I dont even think twice before putting on my seatbelt. It is for my safety and I love my life to much to risk it by being stupid to not wear a seatbelt in this chaotic traffic. Here comes the difference. People get offended when I put on my seatbelt. They see it like I dont think they are safe drivers. The driver always say,"Why are you putting on your seatbelt? You dont need it, I am a safe driver." If other people are in the car, they usually tend to say "You dont need to wear a seatbelt. X is a very good driver, only one/two/five/zero accidents." I am sure you are a very good driver, I dont doubt that. But you never know! And you are not alone in the traffic, not everyone is a good driver. And there are many accidents in India, and everywhere else, dont try to deny that.
The second thing,
If you have an accident in Sweden, God forbid, or if it might have been close to be an accident, reactions would have been something like, "Oh shit, are you okay?" "Thank God nothing happend, Im glad you are okay.." So far so good.
In India, the reactions is, It wasnt my fault. He came and did this and this and this. It wasnt my fault. Who cares who´s fault it is? Okay, you might, but that is not the first you should think of! I will tell you one example, that happend just a few days back, which explains what I mean.
I was in a car with a friend, he drove on a one way road, but towards traffic (its okay, it happens in India all the time, and it was very slowly). We then take a right turn, and we almost hit a bicycle. The driver says; Crazy man, he needs too look properly before he takes a turn (the bicycles left turn). I told him, he doesnt have to, because no cars are supposed to come from the side we came, it is a one way road! Then he still said, but he should have done it anyway, he should have looked, it is his fault he almost crashed into my car.
Okay in this case it actually was the drivers fault, but I just wanted to show how the thinking goes. Nothing like, Oh shit I almost hit that bicycle! No, it is; Oh shit, he should look properly, it is his fault!
If you are hit, you are hit! If you are injured, you are injured! It doesnt matter if it was the other persons fault or not. You are injured, thats what you should think about. Maybe you should have worn that seatbelt I talked about in the beginning, maybe you would have been less injured, eventhough it was the other persons fault.
Old pictures

Me and Gianluca in his Birthday party

I tried to find the owner of this car, but he or she, was nowhere to be seen..
Pain in the ass
I started to do something here since it is very cheap, but it is such a pain in the ass. I hate it, I get like panicy feelings whenever I do it, it is really, really uncomfortable and I cant be still. I twist and twirl and cant wait for it to be over. I take breaks, for something that only takes a few minutes. But I cant handle it, I really, really hate it. It is really painful also, I am almost crying whenever I do it. Still I do it. Why? It is so good, so easy and so fast. And you get a perfect result. Threading is something really, really good, I just wish it was not so hurtful, and uncomfortable. If they ever touch my eyelashes I panic! I hate it! And even touching my eyebrows like that is really uncomfortable. When ever I go to the salon to have my eyebrows done, they need to people for me, haha! I always apologize, but they are used to me now. They now how I behave and that they cant touch my eyelashes for example. I dont think I could ever get makeup done by someone else. People cant touch my face like that. And absolutely not put on mascara or eyeliner.. If someone wants to torture me, I think that would be the best way, by touching my eyes, eyelashes or putting on eye makeup! I would rather die or tell all of my lifes secret...
Wednesday madness
Not even a police raid that ends in no music, no dancing and no singing can turn a good evening bad. Bangalore city has gone mad now. The cops has to work a lot from now on if they want to keep these rules. Because as soon as they leave, the music, dancing and singing is back on again! If they ever try to ban alcohol, and I will not be surprised if they do, it will be chaos in this city. A few years back Bangalore was actually known for having the best partylife in India, and now, these days, it is just a joke! Lights are switched on at 11pm, 11.30 pm the place has to be empty!
After the party, the party with no music, no dancing and no singing, atleast for some time, I went for an afterparty in my sweet friend Zoe´s house. She had a very nice house with balconies and a huge rooftop terrace. I met some really funny people, like a bunch of weird British men. I made fun of their accent the whole night, I think they hated me when they left, haha! I stayed the night in her house, it was so far to my place. So I took an auto this morning instead.
What to do in the darkness?
When I came home last night, there was no power. The house were completely black, not a single light was there, from anywhere. One of my roommates were home, so everything was fine. But then after just a few minutes she left the house. I lid some candles, in my room, but I was still scared. For you people who doesnt know, I am very scared of the dark. So there I was, sitting in my room, trying to think about happy things. I tried calling my rescuer, Sam, but she didnt understand that it was a matter of life and death, so she didnt pick up my call, eventhough I called her around 50 times!
After what felt like a lifetime, she called back, so I atleast had some company.. And then my friend came to pick me up, so I didnt have to be in the house anymore... Im thinking I should do some therapy. To cure my darkness fear.. I am a grownup, but still behaves like a baby if it dark and if I am alone...
It is Wednesday
It wasnt raining last night, luckily. So I was home in just one hour. Including of waiting time for the buses. I changed my clothes and then went out with a friend. We met a few other friends outside and then went gome for a small party. I had so much fun. We were just sitting in my friends house talking, so nothing special happened, but it was a really nice evening. And tonight is Wednesday, my favourite day of the week. I am going to Loveshack again, like every Wednesday for the last few months. I cant get enough of that place, it is like my second home these days.
Good morning
Two of my friends has been sick. Now I think it is my turn. Hopefully it is nothing more than a cold, but lets see how it developes. Yesterday I couldnt hold it any longer. I tried for so long, but I just couldnt stop myself. I opend my bag of Grillchips. I was supposed to eat just one or two, but I ended up eating half of the bag. Why is Grillchips so tasty!? And why cant I buy it here in India?! I almost forgot how tasty it was, but when I put the first one in my mouth, I kind of died and came to heaven! Grillchips and milk are the 2 things I miss the most about Sweden..
Elins Birthday in pictures, part 2


The yummy cake

Look, fireworks

Something was apparently extremely funny

My birthday was long ago, I know
I realised that I have forgotten to post some of the pictures from my birthday. Taken by a very nice photographer that night.. So here they are. I like these pics a lot..
Sweet Anitha
Mr. Himesh Arora himself. The owner of Loveshack
Sam and me
Ernesto, Sam, me, Sebastian and Gianluca
Random pictures

Opus, with Viren Khanna behind me, and others...

Sam and Steven

Me with Ankit in Loveshack

Me and Superman

Long ago at Bangalore Fashion Week
I hate the rain
Okay, I take back what I said about the rain. That I almost wanted it to rain now when I got the boots from Juliya. Today it rained cats and dogs. And I hated it. It took me forever to get home, and I was supposed to meet a friend, but it got to late because my friend also got stuck in traffic! Rain in India, is like snow in some parts of Europe, like Belgium and England for example. The whole country stops. It just cant function. It is chaos in the everywhere. It is just rain/snow! Be prepared, it always comes, its not a surprise! It is a mystery for me how it can become so chaotic!
Well, like I said it took me forever to get home! The last few hundred meters I had to walk. And the street was flooded, so I walked in the middle of the road. Then one stupid car came, drove very fast in a water puddle, and I got soaking wet! I got so angry so I just screamed at him; "What the hell man!" Eventhough he was in the car and couldnt hear me.. And yes, it was a guy!
So many indians love the rain. And I just cant understand how. How is it possible? What do you like about the rain? You like the chaos in traffic? You like that it takes forever to reach anywhere? You like getting completely wet? You like walking in brown, dirty water when the streets are flooded? You like the powercuts that almost always comes when it rains? Oh, I just hate the rain.
Girls night out
I had a lovely evening in Sky bar.. It started off little dull, because it was raining and we had to sit inside, but after some time they opened up the outside bar, so we could enjoy the view and all the fireworks! The music was very good, and we all wanted to dance. Just after a few seconds of dancing, one guy came up to Sam and said that dancing is not allowed. She said, oh she is not dancing, she has epilepsy.. Weirdly, they did let us dance after that. I guess maybe they just have to tell us that dancing is not allowed, if we dont follow it, they cant help it. Atleast they have told us..
Now I think I will just relax til Wednesday´s party. Be home and enjoy my puppies or something.. Last week it was to many parties, with friends, colleagues and guests. So I need to take it little slow now, just hang out at home with friends.. So please dont invite me for parties, because it is so hard to say no!
Food looks yummy, but it wasnt that good
I ate almost the whole cake..
We finished almost the whole cake when the night ended....
And somehow I turned into a muslim, not a very good one though, I am showing my whole arm...
I went for Elins birthday party tonight, in Skyebar. It was a very, very nice evening and I ate sooooo much cake.. I will show some pictures tomorrow morning.. Now I am so full, I couldnt eat a single thing more, I thinkt I would just burst then...
Be happy with what you have
Everyday here in India I see people that has almost nothing. Today when I was on my way to office, I saw several men sleeping next to the road, on the ground, with noting but their broken clothes and shoes. I cant stop thinking that, what do I have to complain about when I have so much in my life already. I complain that my food is not on time, I complain that it takes me so much time in traffic, I complain if my house is not clean enough, I complain that the store doesnt have the brands I want. How can I complain when some people dont even have a house, food, clothes or a place to sleep? I guess it is just how human works. I try to be grateful for the things I do have in life. I try to see the positive side instead of all the negative sides. I know I have a lot to learn from people here in India.
I have seen the poorest of people, people that hardly have any food. Still they offer me their food, and they prepare the best they have to make me happy. And they do it with the biggest smile on their face.
I have seen small children, living on the streets, with open wounds begging for money and food, still they play with each other and with you if you want to and they look like the happiest kids with no worries in the world.
I have met people that live on the street, with no house, no money and they get so happy by seeing you, when you shake their hands, when you try to talk to them, when you take pictures with them, when you acknowledge them, when you see them instead of ignoring. Just because someone has less than you doesnt mean you can just ignore him or her. They are still humans, we are all humans. We should all be treated the same way.
But I am ashamed over myself. Because I have ignored people, I have not given money or food when I easily could, I havent spoken when they wanted to speak to me, I havent shaken their hands, I have pushed kids away, I have felt releived when people havent seen me, I have cursed people that dont leave me alone, when all they are trying to do is try to get money or food for just one more day....
These boots are made for walking
I got a lovely gift from Juliya before she left. She said she didnt need these ones, so she left them with me. Luckily we had the same size. Now I am almost looking forward for some rain..
I tried them on last night and they fit perfectly. The only thing is, I forgot that one of my feet is hurt and swollen. I was little irritated in office last night, so I closed a drawer little to hard. Then one small window fell on my foot! Now it is all red and swollen. And last Wednesday, someone stepped on my toe with high heels, so the toe on the other foot is all red and swollen as well.
Should I get a Vespa?
Today when I went home from office I started to think how much I hate the buses. If no one can take me on their bike or in their car, there is no other choice for me than taking the bus. And the buses dont take the fly over, they take the long, cheap way (the fly over has a toll). So even when there is very little traffic it takes me around one hour to get home. Which is way to much. So then I thought, maybe I should buy a Vespa as well, like my friend that I mentioned the other day.
Even if the vespas goes in like 40 or 50 km/hour it will save me a lot of time in traffice since it is much easier to get through traffic with a small vespa than with a big bus. Plus you dont need to stop on the way to pick up people. So I asked one of my friends if she could get me a good price on one, she said she would ask her friends, all of her friends are bikers so they should know something..
Me when I drove a scooter for the first time in Goa 2009.
Hard Rock in pictures
The night ended in The Mickey Mouse house, which is my house. The reason it is called Mickey Mouse house is because there is a kindergarden in the same house, so we have a Mickey Mouse sign outside the gate.. So one girl wanted to use the bathroom, and I showed the others the puppies. 3 big men were sitting on the floor cuddling with the puppies forever! Even I, who love dogs, got tired and left.. Then everyone left and I could sleep, little after 12..
Tequila race
They really like their tequila! I hate tequila. I get bad goosebumps just by hearing the name! These guests of mine are really enjoying their tequila, and they want everyone to like it as well... I usually say thanks, but no thanks.. I stick with the food. Like I mentioned earlier, I wanted a hamburger. I didnt get a burger, but lots of other tasty food, so I am good anyway.. Tomorrow I will show some pictures, tonight I am to tired...
Goodnight ♥
Hard Rock Cafe
Everyone was very, very friendly in office today. I asked my colleague Roushan if he told people to be nice to me. He said no, turned his head and again said "Do your job!" when I kept looking at him. I think that means he was lying. Of course it is nice that everyone is extra friendly, but it was little weird also. When people are feeling sorry for me, I feel even more sorry for myself. Even our General Manager was very nice and we had a long chat, which we never had before..
Anyway, my shift is over but I am still sitting in office. I am waiting. Waiting for my colleagues to get off their shifts. And waiting for 2 of our guests to get off work. All of us are going to Hard Rock Cafe. I went there once, for a party, but the music was waaaay to loud so I had to leave. I always wanted to go there and eat, they are famous for nice hamburgers. So today is the day, the day I will have my first hamburger in Bangalore. I did have beef once, or maybe twice but it has been a while now. So it will be nice to have some real, proper meat again..
Yesterday I was all sad and stuff, and I didnt have anything to do really, so obviously I got more sad. Then a friend of mine asked if we should meet, and I said yes. He said he would pick me up after work, so I started to get ready. When I got outside, I got a minor shock. He came on a Vespa! I just started laughing, but he told me to get on and we drove off. I must confess I was little scared. I am okay when Indians drive, because I know that they know how traffic works here, but sitting behind this foreigner (sorry) made me little scared. But we reached home safely, and it was actually a lot of fun. I liked it...
Now I want to have my own Vespa, but I dont think I can afford buying one myself. And I dont know if I am brave enough to actually drive it myself in this mad, mad traffic! It would actually save me a lot of time in travels, so I think I have to think about this..
Life must go on
I dont feel like going to office today... Everything will be different. And if I hear someone speaking in Hindi I will kill myself! And I know that is going to happen. I have come to this stage once before, when I really started to hate the language here. It is not good at all, because I get so angry from inside and sometimes I take that anger out on innocent people. I just get so frustrated when I dont understand anything! I think it is high time for me to learn Hindi, but I just dont have the time for it. I wish I could take some Hindiclasses, but like I said, there is no time..
I just have to try to overcome my anger, and stop getting angry with people. It is their right to speak Hindi. I should be grateful to people who speaks English to me. English is not the national language here. I cant take it for granted that everyone should speak English with me. But since it is the only way for me to communicate here, it is frustrating when I dont understand or they dont understand.
Where to buy...?
In India everything is so different from home. You have to learn a lot of new things when you come here, things that people take for granted. We have the basic things like, learning when the stores closes, when the buses goes, which transportations are there.. Then we have some bigger things like how to cross the street (yes, you do have to learn it, I see it as an art. It is an art to cross the streets in India), you have to understand the culture, you have to learn how people function here, you have to learn where to buy what.
When I go an buy my food items I generally go to the big food stores. But you dont always find everything there, and it is also not always the best. Sometimes you go to some tiny, tiny shop, because they are better, and back home you would never do that. It is super costly. And the best place to buy your fruit and veggies is not in a store, it is here;
You buy your fruit and veggies from the streets, maybe from a bicycle.. It is better than in the stores, and most of the times it is also cheaper. You (I) just have to know the prices before so they dont trick you (me).
It sometimes happens that I get mysterious phonecalls, and sometimes I also get texts from random people whom I dont know. Even today I got a text from a random number saying "Hello sexy, how are you? My name is this and I met you in this and this place" When I asked this guy how he got my number he said "a friend got it for me and I am crazy for you" These things are little scary, when a person just has your number and then you have no idea who this person is.. I really want to know if one of my friends has given my number to someone, I really hope they havent!
Before this incident it was a while ago since these things happend. I almost forgot how it was to have someone unknown after you.. But only almost!
The girls should have reached home soon. I hope they have/had a good flight.. And I also hope they did have a good time while they were here in India. Tomorrow I will be back in office, all alone again. But I will try to hang in there, I will see for how long it is possible to do this. I dont mind working there and the work, its just that now that I know that swedes are supposed to be there, I dont want to be alone.. And swedes were there, so I know how it is supposed to be!
Well okay then, Juliya, Emma, have a great time back home. I hope I will meet you soon again, all my love to both of you ♥

I dont know what to do today. Everyone is working, only I am off.. I have some boring things to do, like buy food and do laundry but it will only take me a short time to do that. What should I do the rest of the day?
The puppies are still in our house, and they grow so fast. I havent seen them for a few days and I hardly recognised them today.. My favourite one is so big, and the tiny has got a big belly now and I am not scared of touching her anymore.. Before I thought maybe she would break!
Last night
I dont know what I meant about "the real thruth" last night. The real truth always comes out when drunk, why wait for the next day.. So I dont know what I wanted to say about last night actually.. Never mind, Loveshack was okay last night. Nothing very special, I think mostly because of my mood. And I didnt mingle as much as I usually do, I also felt ignored because of some people (one) not approaching me properly.
Most pictures were bad from last night, but atleast I got a few...
Trying to speak-a italian-a with hands. But I am too happy, there is no anger, no passion!
I am trying to push people away. Its so crowded in this place!
Me and my best Italian friend in India
Another, slightly better, attempt to speak in Italian. Haha, I love how they speak with their hands
Gianluca and Bonny
I woke up, and for 10 seconds I was happy. Until I realised what happened last night. Then I started to cry. I couldnt help it. I had two texts on my phone in the morning "You are a sweetheart, I want to hug you" "Dont feel sad and left alone, we are there for any kind of support" and then I felt even more sad for myself. I know that people are there for me, but I just feel so lonely. You cant imagine how much having swedish people around you means. I never had it before. I was so happy when I got to know Elin, and then I got so happy when Juliya and Emma came, I had three swedish girls. But now they are all leaving! Juliya is already on her flight.
But I was fine before. Before I knew. I had my friends, and my friends are very sweet. I was happy and I was satisfied. But when I found out swedish people were coming, I got even more happy, if that was even possible. So I am sure you can imagine the emptyness I feel when they are all gone.
I am happy that Juliya and Emma came. Even if we met just for such a short period I will always remember them♥
Done for the day
I am feeling slightly better now. It is nice to have good people around when you are feeling sad. It helps a lot.. Thanks Roushan and Sam for being such a cuties ♥
My shift is over, I will go downstairs and change and then leave for a party.. Its party with guests so I need to go and make them happy and show them a good time..
Sad day
Its funny how your life can change so quickly. In one moment you are one of the happiest on this planet in the other your just lying in bed crying. Yesterday I was so happy, work has started to be more fun, since I know more and there is more to do, my life was awesome, I had awesome friends and I had swedish girls around me. Today when I came to office everything changed.
I found out that Emma and Juliya had decided to leave the company, and they are leaving tomorrow morning. They stayed for one week and worked for one day. I was so happy to have them around me, and I loved the fact that I could speak swedish in office and not care about the others speaking in Hindi. But on Friday when Im back, everything will be different. Again I will feel left out since everyone mostly speaks their own languages. And I dont even blame them, I am sure I would do the same as well. It is so easy to forget that someone doesnt understand. And you cant imagine how that person feels..
Now I am sitting like a stupid, crying in bed, all alone! I will surely miss Juliya and Emma, eventhough I never got the chance to know them properly.. ♥
I have many new readers
Since I started writing in English so many more people have started to read it. And I have got so much positive response from different people, its so much fun. Its much more fun to write now when I know a lot of people is reading and that they do enjoy it. Not that I have that many interesting stories to tell here, but people seems to like reading it anyway.. It makes me happy.
So thanks to everyone thats making me so happy by reading my blog ♥
When I came to office today I got a small chock. HR came up to me and asked me if we could talk. I said of course we can. And then she asked me why the girls decided to leave. I didnt even know they were leaving before HR told me. So I went up to their room, with two of my colleaguse and we sat and talked for some time. Since they are getting very less money from the company they have decided to leave tonight. If the owners decide to give them more money, then only they will stay. But the owners are very cheap so I doubt that will ever happen...
I dont know what to do now. I have been waiting for so long for the girls to come, and now they are just leaving. I dont know if I should stay or go... I want to be in India, but if I am not working here, how will I get the money? I dont know any good way to earn money from here.. It is very hard to get a job here...
I will take some days to think about this, its not a very easy decision. And I do love my precious India ♥
So any suggestions for how I can stay here are mostly welcome
Party tonight again...
So like I have already said, last night was messed up. Going out with guests was very weird. But they were very nice and friendly so it was all good. They bought us Tequila shots, which I hate, but I couldnt say no.. I had to have one, but since I dont drink anymore, it was kind of too much for me.. But I had a good time. In the evening they decided they wanted to come tomorrow also. I warned them that the place will be packed, but they still wanted to come. So i reserved a table for us all, I know we will come late, but I hope that Loveshack is nice and hold the table for us anyway. I am there so often, so they all know me by know, but it doesnt help on Wednesdays.. Any other day would have been fine, but Wednesdays are crazy.
My guests bought me tequila! So now I need to sleep. I never drink anymore, so this Tequila shot was way too much! Luckily I work late tomorrow.. Although they wanted me to take them out tomorrow as well, so I guess I have to do that =)
Party tonight
I am still in office waiting for my collegue and some of the guests. Apparantly we are going out to night together. That is really messed up! Well, lets see where we end up tonight, I guess I will be home very late tonight.
Well, I have to leave now, write something later tonight
Hey all
I usually dont have any problems sleeping when there is noice around me. I live on a main road in India, I cant have problems with that because it is never quiet here. I hear the cars and people all the time! But this morning I woke up, and I couldnt fall asleep again and the sound was just so irritating. My maid was outside my room, brooming. Outside my house, not inside, and the sound was so loud, and so irritating I just wanted to scream and tell her to stop! I hear this sound every morning, I dont know why I had problems with that just today..
Tonight I dont have any plans. Im thinking of just staying home and make som food for myself. Havent been cooking for a long, long time. I dont even know if I have any food in the fridge.. Haha, I guess it is time to shapen up, stay at home simetimes, go food shopping and start cooking again.
I went out with a friend of mine to see a movie. I dont know the name of the movie, it was something like the girl with yellow boots, it was a good movie, the story was quite okay and all, but the ending should have been more interesting. They could have done it better. It was a Hinglish movie, so I understood like half of it. For the other half I had a translator..
Speaking of something else, I had a fun day in office today. There was a lot to do, and I liked it. I do love to sit in office and do some Facebooking and bloging, but it gets little boring after some time. It is better to have lots of different things to do. I also left little later than usual, that almost never happened before! Like one minute after I reached home, my friend was here to pick me up for the movie. I just had a few minutes to freshen up, then we had to leave. So you can say that I havent been home the whole day, just came back half an hour ago. Me and my friend wanted to go for some party, but we couldnt find one so he dropped me home instead.
It was a nice evening, I like being this busy and being out all the time. But now it will be very, very nice to just sleeeeeeeeep!
Why is everyone poking me on Facebook? What is the point? What does it mean? Why? Are people to shy to say something? Or to lazy to write something? I dont understand the concept of poking someone on Facebook. Just give it a rest now, will you! So many people are poking me, unknown peoplel Its really weird. If you have something to say/write, do that, instead of useless poking! I cant even feel it! Do we have a deal everyone?! Stop poking me, and if you have something to say, just say it..
Sunday, lovely Sunday
Today I get to sleep in. My shift starts at 11 today, very nice. The bad thing is that I have to work to 8 pm, but I guess that is fine. Lets see. Hopefully its not so many people on the bus in the evening and hopefully traffic is less, so I still can get home quite fast. The only ad thing is Wednesdays party. I think I have to bring my outfit to office on Wednesday and go straight to Loveshack from office. Today is the girls first day, they were little nervous yesterday, but Im sure it will be a good first day for them.
Yesterday I had a nice day in office, there wasnt much to do like every Sunday so it was fine. After work I took Emma and Juliya to Forum mall, we got a simcard for Emma and a cheap phone and other small things they needed. We had some light dinner together also. After Forum they decided to go home, I went home to roomies place and from there we went to Cilantro to have some hot chocolate. My friend lives where this restaurant is, so I called him over and he came along with 2 other friends. We had a nice chat for some time before we all went home to sleep. And luckily when I came home, there was no one there. So no one could ask me to join and be social in the livingroom =)
Pictures from Hint
I got some pictures from Friday from Emma. I didnt take any pictures myself, unfortunately. I dont know why I am so bad at taking pictures, it is so much fun to have..
Juliya, Gerrardo, Sam and me
Haha! Emma, me and Gianluca
You dont know me, so please dont judge me!
Since I live with so many people (4 roommates) there is almost always someone in the house. And many times these people have friends over. So if, lets say three people have two friends over each, there is 6 extra people in the house. And most of the time it is more than 2 friends. Anyways, so there just have to be some weirdos there sometimes. And yesterday there was.
There is something I hate, and that is when people say to me that I am not social, or that I dont talk. I have become much more social than I have ever been before, and I do talk a lot. I am almost NEVER alone, I am around people ALL the time. That is the reason why, when I come home alone, I just want to be in my room and do my own things, and not be so social anymore. This forced socializing I hate, and when people think they know me without even meeting me.
So when I came home from roomies place last night, after being social with her and very social in office, I just wanted to go to my room and rest. But when I opened the door, there was a small party and my roommate told me to get some cake if I wanted to. Obviously I couldnt say no to cake, I love cake. I even have a cake radar. So I had a piece. And I sat in the kitchen with everyone else. Then some random guys started to say, "Oh, this is the first time we see you outside your room" "Leave your phone for some time and be social with us" etc. It made me quite irritated, so I went in to my room after finishing the cake. In my room I sat with both my computer and phone, keeping myself busy and also started to get ready to sleep. Then one of these guys came into my room, without asking, and started talking to me, saying things like I am never social and I am always on my phone, I am never in the livingroom, always in my own room. Apparantly this guy has been to our house twice, and both times I was not socializing with them/him..
Once before a similar guy were in the house saying the same things. Why cant people just understand that everyone is different, and everyone doesnt always want to speak to someone he or she doesnt know just because the other one wants to?
At this point of my life, I am very satisfied with the circle of friends I have, and I dont really feel the need of having more random people in my life. I mean, I hardly have the time to be for myself anymore. I havent had the time to go to the gym this week, I dont even remember when I had dinner in my own house. So please, when I come home, if I want to be in my own room and not talk to anyone, please just let me! There is no harm in that.
On Monday and onwards there will be to much work in office. Everyone is stressed out, working for too many hours and the Swedish girls are starting on that date. It was good for me when I started because there wasnt much to do, so I had time, and they had time to show me everything. Now I dont know how it will be for the girls when everyone is so stressed and tensed. But I hope it will be good and they like the job. God knows we need them...
Last night was so nice. I had such a nice time, me and roomie were sitting in her place, having dinner, chatting and just relaxing. I wanted to just stay there forever, but roomie kicked me out 23.30! She can be little rude sometimes ;) but atleast she drove me home, so she made up for that rudeness..
Have a great Sunday folks ♥
Ps. I was supposed to go for a brunch today, a big, big party. But apparently all the bars and clubs are closed because of the Ganesh festival. So it will be next weekend hopefully..
Tonight I am relaxing
Sitting in roomies place. We dont have any idea what we will do, I think we might just be home and have some dinner and talk. It was so long ago I was just home and having a nice quiet evening. I should have that more often. But there are so many people that wants to meet me right now, so I hardly have the time to just sit home..
Good morning Sunshines
I have had better mornings! For sure! I dont want to go to work on a Saturday like this, all I want to do is lie in bed and sleep the whole day and eat swedish candy and Grillchips. Its not fair that I have to work today..
I had a lot of fun last night in Hint, that is seriously a crazy place. Or maybe I am just crazy in that place.. Nothing is allowed in this city anymore! No dancing, no kissing, no looking at each other, no singing, no hugging, no drinking? You name it, everything is banned from now on! Im just waiting for the day when there is no parties anymore.. I hope that day never comes..
I hope I didnt scare away Emma and Juliya from the partyscene in Bangalore. I hope they had fun... Well, now I need to get ready, Im off to work again....
I am looking forward for a long night filled with crazy things. Im sitting in office and I just cant wait to leave. Not that I am not having fun here, I do, but a party is always a party. Its obviously more fun.. Now its only 2 more hours....
Oh, Bangalore have become much more better now when I have my countrywomen here! I love it! It sounds like I have had them here for long, but it has only been 2 days now.. Many more days filled with craciness is coming up. Now we are just waiting for Elin, and the Swedish group in Bangalore will be complete....
I have promised to take the girls out tonight, I will take them to a place called Hint. It is a very nice place, with amazing view. On Fridays the place is always packed with people, last time I was there on a Friday it was impossible to dance! There was no space to move around. They should have put up this sign then;
Yes, this sign actually exists now a days. Bangalore have gone mad. There is no dancing allowed. But luckily it says its not allowed on the floor, we can still dance on the bar, tables chairs and sofas ;)
Ganesh festival
Like I wrote yesterday, there was a small celerbration of the Ganesh festival. Me, Juliya and Emma stopped to watch. We were a little uncomfortable since all the men went little crazy when they saw us, and they were drunk as well. One guy was very nice to us, and escorted us, and pushed awayh all the men.. I made this video while we were there.
I have gone mad
Since August 26th (seven days) I have sent 250 texts from my phone. That is like 35 texts per day! For some people I am sure it is like, nothing! But for me, My God! When do I even have time for all that texting? No wonder I have to charge my phone every day when I use it for this much texting, and calls.. I should try to reduce it a little..
Bangalore is crazy

Yes it is bloodstains. Someone must have had his nose bleeding and then got the stains on me. Even my shoes were bloody. Luckily it was easy to get off.
A day with my swedish girls
I came home around 12 today, after having a nice morning with my roomie. We had some breakfast together before I left, and we also had the time to talk properly. We havent had the time for that in a long time now. She dropped me home, and I changed my clothes and all and then went outside to meet my swedish girls Juliya and Emma. They are both new to this city so they wanted me to show them around. I took them to Brigade road, MG road, Commercial street, Shivajinagar. It took the whole day. We also had some lovely lunch together and we saw a small celebration of the Ganesh festival that started today. I miss the celebrations of festivals in Mumbai, here in Bangalore hardly any festival is celebrated properly, I dont understand why! Anyway, they were little tired after all the new impressions so I put them in an auto and they left for home.
I was supposed to meet another of my friend tonight, but the plans got postponed, so instead I am having a nice, calm evening for myself. I need that once in a while also. Tomorrow I promised to take the girls out again, we are going to a place called Hint. Last time I was there on a Friday it was really, really packed! I hope it is little lesser people this time.
I found a cow
And I tried to take her home with me
Juliya liked her as well
Ganesh festival
All the men wanted to pose for the camera
Wednesday = Loveshack. Always. No exception.
There is no place but Loveshack on Wednesdays. I love it. Everyone else seems to like it. It has become extremely popular, and I love it! I cant get enough, I just want it to be Wednesday every day ♥
So, yesterday was Wednesday and I went to Loveshack. Me and Juliya was dropped by Roushan and Rahul from office to my place. I changed my clothes (Dresscode; white if you are single, red if you are not), met Sam, and then the three of us went to Loveshack around 8ish. It was not to many people so it was a very nice start. After some time our colleagues came, and after them, the whole Bangalore came. It was so packed last night, it was impossible to go anywhere. Luckily I got a hold of the best and biggest table where we could all fit.
I was just walking around talking to everyone and no one, met new people, met old people, met weird people and met very nice people. I was photographed a lot, and I loved it.. The night ended very weird though, I was very uncomfortable and I stayed away from it all.
After the party Sam forced me to have an afterparty. I tried to say no, but she refused to listen to me, like she always does! So we went home to her place along with Bluberry and a friend of his! I was so tired, I tried to be social for some time, but around 1.30 am I had to go and sleep. Sam was up much longer, I guess she had a lot of fun with the guys..
Me with my sweet, sweet girls, Sam and Juliya
My colleagues
Me and Gianluca is having a very interesting conversation
Packed place
Men and my sweet friends
Another intense discussion
First night with Juliya
The day Juliya was coming (Tuesday) I was to busy waiting for her, I didnt have time to work ;) Well, I had to, unfortunately, but I left little earlier because I needed to prepare for her arrival. My collegue drove me to one of the close by stores, and I bought some stuff, I thought maybe she wanted something to eat once she reached! So I put that in her room before I went out on a date with my friend. We just went somewhere to have a hot chocolate and talk a little. He had been away for a fashion shoot, so hadnt spoken to him for a long time. But before I had finishes my coffee, my collegue called and said that Juliya had arrived! I was so happy so I almost ran back to office! I was so happy to see her, and we were hugging like we knew each other, eventhough we never met before.. We went up to her room, talked, had dinner and then I got my gifts... After that we just went to sleep, since Juliya had been travelling for so long. She fell asleep in like 2 seconds!
My gifts
Juliyas room
My swedish favourites ♥ Thanks Juliya, you are the best!