Honesty VS being polite

Is there such thing as being too honest?

I must say that most of the indians are very honest. Countless of times I have heard that I dont look good, I am too white, Im black under my eyes etc. If I had some fat on my body I would sure hear that I am too fat, or that I have gained weight. When do you ever hear these things in Sweden? If you ask someone, you never look fat, and yes that dress suits you, and no you dont look ugly today. Why do we want to be polite? Isnt it better to tell the truth? If that pimple you have on your nose is very visible, why dont you just say that, instead of trying to make your friend feel good by saying that you can hardly see it. Honesty or making someone feel good? Which one is better?

Do I like this honesty? Yes, I think I do. Because then when you hear something nice about yourself you can be damn sure that people really mean it!


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