Our first date ♥

We have known each other for quite some time now, we have gotten along, we have become quite good friends. But now I was asked out for a date. And I felt I couldnt say no. We went for a movie, we were supposed to see a romantic movie, but it wasnt shown in the evening. It wasnt really a suitable movie for a date, but we enjoyed anyway. We were in good company. We both had popcorn and coke. We talked, we smiled and we laughed. I was cracking joke after joke, like always, and I think my date fell for me... Hopefully there will be a second date soon ♥

Me and my date

Postat av: Dana

Sounds like the best date :D

2011-09-18 @ 10:26:48
Postat av: Sara

Yes, it was very mysigt =)

2011-09-18 @ 13:10:54
URL: http://sarasindia.blogg.se/

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