Not a good morning

I had a very bad morning. I woke up, and I was so sweaty. The fan was off, which means there was a powercut. Again. You have no idea how many powercuts it has been for the last couple of days. Apparently there is not enough chole to produce power to out state. The whole Bangalore suffers from these powercuts. So for one hour there was no power and I couldnt have my shower because of that.

When the power finally was back, I was little irritated because I didnt have time to do what I always do in the mornings. Facebook, blog, newspaper etc. So once I was ready I left the house, listened to some music to get in a happier mood. It helped a little. I came to the bus stop, saw my bus, waved for it to stop - and he ignored me! Sometimes when the buses are really crowded it happens, but this one was completely empty. The next bus was just right behind so I thought that he would stop for me. But he ignored me also! I got super pissed! The buses always stops for me! I got so angry that I felt like throwing a stone at the bus. I really need to take an anger management course.. These small things irritate me so much..

When the third bus came I was standing in the middle of the road so it was impossible for him to ignore me, or he would have ran over me. When I jumped on to the bus I got an angry look from the driver and I gave an even angrier look back! We have a huge communication gap, so thats why I stoped by just giving him an angry look.


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