Be happy with what you have

Everyday here in India I see people that has almost nothing. Today when I was on my way to office, I saw several men sleeping next to the road, on the ground, with noting but their broken clothes and shoes. I cant stop thinking that, what do I have to complain about when I have so much in my life already. I complain that my food is not on time, I complain that it takes me so much time in traffic, I complain if my house is not clean enough, I complain that the store doesnt have the brands I want. How can I complain when some people dont even have a house, food, clothes or a place to sleep? I guess it is just how human works. I try to be grateful for the things I do have in life. I try to see the positive side instead of all the negative sides. I know I have a lot to learn from people here in India.

I have seen the poorest of people, people that hardly have any food. Still they offer me their food, and they prepare the best they have to make me happy. And they do it with the biggest smile on their face.

I have seen small children, living on the streets, with open wounds begging for money and food, still they play with each other and with you if you want to and they look like the happiest kids with no worries in the world.

I have met people that live on the street, with no house, no money and they get so happy by seeing you, when you shake their hands, when you try to talk to them, when you take pictures with them, when you acknowledge them, when you see them instead of ignoring. Just because someone has less than you doesnt mean you can just ignore him or her. They are still humans, we are all humans. We should all be treated the same way.

But I am ashamed over myself. Because I have ignored people, I have not given money or food when I easily could, I havent spoken when they wanted to speak to me, I havent shaken their hands, I have pushed kids away, I have felt releived when people havent seen me, I have cursed people that dont leave me alone, when all they are trying to do is try to get money or food for just one more day....


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