Wednesday = Loveshack. Always. No exception.

There is no place but Loveshack on Wednesdays. I love it. Everyone else seems to like it. It has become extremely popular, and I love it! I cant get enough, I just want it to be Wednesday every day ♥

So, yesterday was Wednesday and I went to Loveshack. Me and Juliya was dropped by Roushan and Rahul from office to my place. I changed my clothes (Dresscode; white if you are single, red if you are not), met Sam, and then the three of us went to Loveshack around 8ish. It was not to many people so it was a very nice start. After some time our colleagues came, and after them, the whole Bangalore came. It was so packed last night, it was impossible to go anywhere. Luckily I got a hold of the best and biggest table where we could all fit.  

I was just walking around talking to everyone and no one, met new people, met old people, met weird people and met very nice people. I was photographed a lot, and I loved it.. The night ended very weird though, I was very uncomfortable and I stayed away from it all.

After the party Sam forced me to have an afterparty. I tried to say no, but she refused to listen to me, like she always does! So we went home to her place along with Bluberry and a friend of his! I was so tired, I tried to be social for some time, but around 1.30 am I had to go and sleep. Sam was up much longer, I guess she had a lot of fun with the guys..

Me with my sweet, sweet girls, Sam and Juliya


My colleagues

Me and Gianluca is having a very interesting conversation

Packed place

Men and my sweet friends

Another intense discussion


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