You dont know me, so please dont judge me!

Since I live with so many people (4 roommates) there is almost always someone in the house. And many times these people have friends over. So if, lets say three people have two friends over each, there is 6 extra people in the house. And most of the time it is more than 2 friends. Anyways, so there just have to be some weirdos there sometimes. And yesterday there was.

There is something I hate, and that is when people say to me that I am not social, or that I dont talk. I have become much more social than I have ever been before, and I do talk a lot. I am almost NEVER alone, I am around people ALL the time. That is the reason why, when I come home alone, I just want to be in my room and do my own things, and not be so social anymore. This forced socializing I hate, and when people think they know me without even meeting me.

So when I came home from roomies place last night, after being social with her and very social in office, I just wanted to go to my room and rest. But when I opened the door, there was a small party and my roommate told me to get some cake if I wanted to. Obviously I couldnt say no to cake, I love cake. I even have a cake radar. So I had a piece. And I sat in the kitchen with everyone else. Then some random guys started to say, "Oh, this is the first time we see you outside your room" "Leave your phone for some time and be social with us" etc. It made me quite irritated, so I went in to my room after finishing the cake. In my room I sat with both my computer and phone, keeping myself busy and also started to get ready to sleep. Then one of these guys came into my room, without asking, and started talking to me, saying things like I am never social and I am always on my phone, I am never in the livingroom, always in my own room. Apparantly this guy has been to our house twice, and both times I was not socializing with them/him..

Once before a similar guy were in the house saying the same things. Why cant people just understand that everyone is different, and everyone doesnt always want to speak to someone he or she doesnt know just because the other one wants to?

At this point of my life, I am very satisfied with the circle of friends I have, and I dont really feel the need of having more random people in my life. I mean, I hardly have the time to be for myself anymore. I havent had the time to go to the gym this week, I dont even remember when I had dinner in my own house. So please, when I come home, if I want to be in my own room and not talk to anyone, please just let me! There is no harm in that.  

Postat av: Vishal RP

R U MAD? NEVER MISS THE GYM.. Prioritize..

Not every1 has frnz lik u n me.. so they bug u.. Ignore! Dont think abt it much!

2011-09-06 @ 19:37:56
Postat av: Sara

I prioritize the parties, thats why Im missing gym..

2011-09-07 @ 05:48:50

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