Frustrating part two

I have had some problems falling asleep lately, it is taking me a few hours these days.. Every person in India has their own solution to all the problems in this world. I have already tried a few, and another solution, according to my friend was to have a massage. Well, even if that doesnt work, a massage is always nice. So off I went, to a nice and lovely spa in Koramangala and booked a fullbody Swedish massage. And when I say full body, I mean fuuulll body! my ears, my eyebrows and my armpits got what it needed. And to be frank, if it was not a lady giving me the massage, I would have felt very, very  uncomfortable. I even had to tell her, please do not massage my thighs that high up, I am very ticklish. 
Anyway, the massage was lovely and afterwards I had plans of going home and relax. I bought some mangoes that I was planning to eat while relaxing in my big and comfy bed. But little did I know what was coming my way...My ex-roomie texted me on my way home and asked me if we could book some traintickets for her friends who are coming to India in August. Nice as I am, I said I would do it. We had to book 4 tickets. 4. Not 40, only 4. It took us 2 hours! 2! And when we were finished, it turned out we had only booked 3 tickets! 3! So we still have one more ticket to book! And before this, ex-roomie had already tried a few days to book these bloody tickets. I mean, how bloody hard can it be to book traintickets in India! And out of a million sites, only 1 site works with non-indian credit cards! Cooome ooon,why are they making it so hard for foreigners to travel in India?
Me and ex-roomie needed a break after those two hours, we decided that Monday will be a good day to book the last ticket! Hopefully we will both have a long and relaxed weekend before...


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